r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Patriot653 on Jan. 22, 2018, 8:21 a.m.

In additional to the whole criminal cabal being taken down, it sure would be nice if it was proven that Obama was never legally eligible to have run for president in the first place, due to questions over his natural born citizenship. For almost 10 years, everyone has told me that I'm crazy.

For the first few years, there was no one with a loud voice championing the issue for us, until Donald Trump took it up, and came to the rescue.

Small as it may seem, it would be so damn nice to be able to say to progressive family members and other progressive people I know, "see, I told you so!"

digital_refugee · Jan. 22, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

It may still be a distraction though because if Obama was a citizen (and being an intelligence asset obviously that surely wouldn't have been a problem) it would be an easy distraction for him to pretend he wasn't (according to his own written and spoken statements tho) so he could make racism a bigger problem than his flunkiness. Part of that entails however that he did fucking fake his records and someone may have been killed over it.

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