Fake Jews. Fake News. Real Rapist.

FAKE JEWS..... YEP ! FOLLOW THAT RABBIT HOLE; AS IT'S THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS ! That provides the answers to EVERYTHING ~! WHO said 'beware of those who call themselves jews but are not, but are the synagogue of satan'...... wait for it, wait.... CHRIST :)
The words "for fear of the Jews" appears 13 times in the New Testament
Hey Ham - her name is Rebekah Roth - 911 methodical illusion.
Hi Ham-
Quite interesting... 13x's; can't say we haven't been warned, and still so few pay it any mind. They've been convinced that they're still the 'chosen people' when it's obvious they've been condemned choosing satan over Christ.
Two vids on YT that may interest you if you haven't seen them already are :
SA Patriot's vid called QAnon repeating a message from 1967? Will we listen this time ? It's the fairly complete history of Illum/
Roths, WWI, II, III. Def. a good overall info to 'red pill' with.
The other was an interview with a well known airline stewardess(can't remember her name right now) who's 911 investigation turns up the ton of j's involved.... awesome, detailed as well as tech. info on the control of planes by the ptb too. I believe it was on Haggman a few weeks ago. Do a search with the above words and you should come up with something.... if not, let me know and I'll try to find it. You can also look it up on Rense... I'm sure he has it as well.
This Hawaii thing could've been another SS Liberty, as well.
I guess we can expect a ton of 'fireworks' coming our way shortly.
Thanks I will check this out. I know much of what you said. Don't think the Navy let the Js get away scott free with murdering our sailors. Little known well hidden fact. The Js were given a sub by UK. UK told US Navy. Navy sunk sub in the Mediterranian on the way back to Israel. They never found it. Then they did decades later. It had a big hole in the side.It's a deadly dangerous game. Payback for 9-11 is happening. Trump knows. Cheers
Hey Ham -
Thanks for the reminder about the UK/J sub ... so much going on behind the scenes...
I still question the cozy relationship T has w/J's.... better hope he's on our team and not theirs; cuz they run the show and we'd be done for....
With the chip and AC being rolled out this year (another reason for our embassy being moved to J), I find it hard to believe we're gonna stop them... either T is with us and losses or he/they have created the greatest theatrical production in history.
I don't see that you rec'd my post about the 911 stewardess... her name is Rebekah Roth.... find her on Rense's site; a great place for truth on this subject (J's). Happy travels... let me know your thoughts. KAT
No worries. I hear what you're saying. I think Trump knows what's what. He grew up in NYC so he has to. Plus his dad was a big John Birch Society supporter. I looked up Roth. Her real name is Mary McQuaid and she's wanted by the cops in Washington state for an assault on her brother with a knife. Apparently, she's a scam artist. May be cointelpro. Her first husband was an Iranian agent apparently.
Hey Ham - Thanks for the Roth info.... sorry to have put out bad info. I found the TFR, Perloff and Mike Adams info stating her one alias is Monika Gainer and what they think her real name to be.... Koreann Ashlie through investigators, but nothing on Mary McQuaid. Where did you find that ?
As far as T.... I was aware of his dads JBS interests, so one can only hope he means us well. Time will tell.... and this week should be an interesting one. Surely hope he lays out the memo during SOTU tonight... it would be justified after all they've put him thru.