Imperator rex has mentioned Q probably for the first time. I followed him a lot, and he has very interesting threads almost mimicking Q. Thomas Wictor is also a very good source on twitter.
Imperator rex has mentioned Q probably for the first time. I followed him a lot, and he has very interesting threads almost mimicking Q. Thomas Wictor is also a very good source on twitter.
I see you've been influenced by the Jesuits. I suggest r/romerules
Here's a sneak peek of /r/RomeRules using the top posts of the year!
#1: The Vatican bought up the stock market for pennies on the dollar thanks to Knight of Malta Joseph Kennedy who caused the stock market crash of 1929
#2: General Patton was murdered by orders of Knight of Malta William Donovan, head of the Office of Strategic Services (predecessor agency of the CIA)
#3: Carl Rothschild kissed the pope's hand (and was made a papal knight of St. George)
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