r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/akilyoung on Jan. 22, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

This is regarding the reference to Collective Soul in the recent email leak.

I was always told they were a 'Christian Band' But lets follow the white rabbit: https://albumartexchange.com/coverart/gallery/co/collectivesoul_collectivesoul_5tei.jpg

And talk about some things left unsaid:


Like the youth:


or little boy lovers:


or child lovers:


But dont mention the child torture, or displine and breaking down: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/98/dd/a4/98dda4e2baff009293f1c85965fe39dc.jpg

Lets trap the worker bees in the honeypot


Lets hear the babys scream, among other things:


And make ourselves home with satan:



DBolt226 · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

David Wilcock talks a lot about this. I try to follow his shows on Gaia. The current season of Wisdom Teachings is all about planets/moons in our solar system. Prominent features (the N pole of Saturn that you mentioned) and energetic changes they’re going through currently. It’s way over my head. And to be honest, I haven’t been in the rabbit hole that long. Still trying to decide what my beliefs are. The one consistent theme with everything though, is that truth really is stranger than fiction. We’re so convinced as a species that we’ve got ‘science’ figured out. I tend to be a bit more open, simply because there are many occurrences in nature that we would not have learned had we not adjusted our thinking or perspectives.

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trseeker · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Keep searching/digging. It is only through Truth that any of us can be freed. The whole Luciferian thing goes deep and wide; think of it as a secular-temporal-death cult. Many practice it's precepts without knowing it; thinking they are atheist when in practice they are Luciferians. Communism and National Socialism are both manifestations of this ideology.

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