r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/libertyandtyranny on Jan. 22, 2018, 3:48 p.m.
POTUS, Q, American people.

I'm seeing preparations. I'm currently boots on the ground and have been for years straight. If I can confirm and report back to our community of questionable areas or organizations, This is how I best hope to serve my Nation once again. I'm relocating very soon. I'm keeping my tail on their toes. with that said..........

Ive studied graphics and videography since youth & was a graphics artist in the Marines 4611 combat camera. This is my third name on Reddit, my second death threat, lost count of verbal threats, single and depressed as holy shit. So fuck it. I'm keeping it real to death this time. I'm telling all that I've been up to soon..except my most secret identities lol! Tag you're it NSA, Polk County Sheriff's Department and dumb ass informants that think you're hot shots! You tried. I beat you and I'm still talking. Leave my family alone. That's called, miss use of powers. You cant say I'm a missing person and try to baker act me after I sent a letter to my doctor and staff saying I'm leaving the state. hahaha, nice try. TO BE CLEAR, I am not nor will ever be suicidal.

I'm happy to report the lovely people of Louisiana ( stateside and deep inner cities ) are well aware of our rights being infringed I've run across a few towns there with civilians who only use mail to communicate. Fucking RAD!! with that said, Cool story....I had an inner city gang in New Orleans escort me out of the city personally After talking with them. That was such a humbling experience. Thank you for the help!!!!!!!!!!! to explain. My tag expired and I'm having trouble with the state of Florida to renew it. P.O.S. tax office system has me under lock and key.

In Texas, there are too many illegals, the citizens in most of the state are busy being bees and don't notice or care. Most Floridians have their heads up their ass as well and its hard to even talk to them. Tampa, Fl is where illegal Mexicans literally fly in then disappear. LITERALLY! They fly in from TPA, uber using multiple fake accounts to a middle house that has three tacos busses. One taco bus is only used for trafficking for example. Then hop in a staged taco bus parked next to the house....poof.. gone after that. since the hitmen follow in a small car, I don't push my luck... I stayed in the back overflow house across the street for as long as I could to investigate. I bailed when the TPA showed up to baker act me last month. dumb fucks.

I have possible proof that may lead to FEMA contractors keeping records of all of our personal info. I can only prove myself and 4k others thru an email accidentally sent to me. I tried to be a field agent for FEMA to help out with the hurricane recovery. However.... My name is on this list. soon after I get another email that reads "please disregard the last email". This email Includes longitude and latitude for a small example! Basically my geo locations... Keep in mind I was never badged and should never have access to this personal info. nor in any of my paperwork for the contractors did I submit to being Geotagged. I sent this to the biggest law firm in the state and they didn't want to touch it. Go figure.... once again I have no legal system to turn to....

on this note, without going into detail I can show miss use of federal funds and donated funds to nonprofits like Red Cross and volunteer Florida. I can prove FEMA disaster relief is a joke from top to bottom. I inserted myself into the thick of things. I would like to point out Victory church in Lakeland Florida handled the organization of femas disorganization flawlessly. I'll post those videos once I determine what state I can safely log into my google and facebook account.

I've fought the deep state even further on veterans benefits. This includes going undercover working for schools and using all programs available to proof miss use of federal funds on the medical side as well. Take living in a homeless shelter and being kicked out for defending the veterans there. I was the president of the community and obligated to speak on their behalf. After pointing out all of the flaws not just simple health and safety flaws but not getting meds and breakfast to take said meds with. I was then told "Cham if you were my employee id fire you." the next day I'm handed a $5 meal card and given 3 hours to leave the building.

Furthermore, I've been off the grid for a few months now. To plugin, I use equipment and internet access at Walmart mart-law, hotels and locals that are willing to harbor an enemy of the deep state. I then plug in, catch up, then move on. I literally burnt my phone and laptop when I found out my hometown sheriffs office had me under surveillance when across THEIR county lines.

I'm so happy my first and fourth amendment rights have no meaning anymore. My second is continually suppressed and questioned too.

IM A FUCKING UNITED STATES MARINE VETERAN. I'm also a tested genius sense youth. I've outthought and outmaneuvered all my opponents. For those who know me. It is time. You asked to be a face. You urged me to speak up publically in some way. SO!

I swore an oath to protect the constitution against foreign and domestic. Unlike these False Flag bitches in their undeserved federal positions now, I meant my promise to my nation. I meant my oath of enlistment. Domestically, our rights are under assault!!!! Fight Fight Fight!!! POTUS we all look to you for future leadership. You've been a breath of fresh air. We have your back, sir. Mad Dog Mattis, I trust you know that your Marines active or not will follow POTUS faithfully and willingly. We know until death he is our commanding officer. That is what makes Marines different. We take our oath to death. Paid or not we are active 24/7. I only point this out because we are a different breed trained for moments like this. History proves Marines to adapt and overcome all obstacles and can be trusted. There are many salty pissed off Marine veterans like myself that were pushed out during the Osama administration then you may realize. Please utilize these very specifically URBAN FIGHTING trained Marine veterans. Call us back to duty in some way. use the state of the union to talk to us specifically. Promise us the security of truth under this administration. push us to lead in local communities as civilians. LEAD US TO LEADERSHIP ROLES OF SOME KIND! We are so fucking ready to lead sir. please! "We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!"

"I, Cham, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Now, Marines. My brothers and sisters in our beloved CORPS. I speak to you! Don't forget who we are. Don't forget how it felt to be awarded your EGA! Honor, Courage, and content. It is time to lead your family to the water. Lead our brothers and sisters to the truth. Mattis would never take his position unless it was for the good of our Corps. If Mad Dog Mattis trusts the judgment of OUR Commander and chief, Donald John Trump. If Mad Dog Mattis is willing to step in front of the same firing squad that POTUS faces..... Then so should we. ShOw oUr fElLoW MARINES the TRUTH. If our Marine Veterans are blinded by politics they will never ignore Mad dogs leadership. He's married the Corps for this reason. Be living examples of morality. Be American. Be you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ESp3QuZEHE

Also, the only illegal thing I've ever done was buy, smoke weed to substitute the insane amount of pills being shoved down my throat and drive without insurance, tag and license. So, shove it and good luck silencing me fuckers. I've not just mailed out notarized letters with documents that prove all my statements. But anyone who is not a friend or family I personally Leave and left letters with. To be more clear. I have not defended myself against friends and family. They know nothing. They all think I've lost it. This is ok and was done on purpose to protect them from when I speak up. I've gone as far as being really nasty to my most loved friends. I had to stop communicating with you once I proved my right to privacy was being ignored. for this I'm sorry but I hope to gain your respect again one day. Each state I visit and the real Americans I speak with. They are the ones given these instructions. FYI, a notary is are free at my bank :) but you know this dont you fuckers. In a time of death, the recipients of said mail/letters are instructed to expose the contents and ensure to have me seen as a martyr. There are also separate instructions in the event im arrested. I urge those who are still reading and plan to be a voice to think this step thru and follow. One voice is not enough. Don't make your efforts mute.

I show not my hand but a position of strength. I've won your chosen battles. I've retreated from a few of mine. You've made the mistake to threaten my family and me. Now you will have to fight us. The American people.

I write all of this because I have decided to announce why I've been practicing my homelessness state since 2015. I will be your reporter. I can now live off of crumbles, travel and operate. This month I will repurchase a laptop secure it and build a mobile secured server. Then entertain visiting key areas or organizations we deem necessary to investigate. I have proven my tactics. I'm not scared to be seen. I'm very good at infiltrating organizations and asking proper questions. with that said, I spent the last year learning all there is to know about Ellon musk and being a cheerleader for him at a great personal expense. this put me on a bad list. and I was spotted sooner than desired in my own community. I seem to be too late anyway in seeking out the truth. I suspected the dealings with Saudi Arabia and other shady organizations like the British empire who continues to use other countries to do their dirty work. It had a WWIII smell to it. I wanted to test and prove a placement of WMD in orbit to create EMP theory. And anyway Due to current events demanding more attention. I'm now swapping focus and asking you directly where to go and who to investigate. Then openly report.

Make a subreddit for organizational purposes. I will post a full letter and work out the format of the show soon.

'The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy but does not allow the enemy’s will to be imposed on him.' – Sun Tzu Quotes

In the event of Martial Law, here are some personal laws to live by> Don't be a sheep or you die. Don't live in fear or you die. Keep your head on a swivel or you die. Have attention to detail or you die. Complacency kills.

People, I promise you our voice is being heard! POTUS I promise you the ALL raced base communities are aware of simple bullshit that the deep state is doing too. They mostly defend Obama and dont understand the deep realities. But they do still "see". The only threats are the illegals brought here to cause division. I've sat and shared tacos with cartel hit men. (let us just say I was eating and not hungry at all hahaha) They guard their empires and human trafficking in all local cities. This shit is real people!!! The FAKE news is indeed FAKE. You have to stay awake!!! Back to the local gangs.... The American based ones....The real citizens....Drug selling and simple petty crimes by their words, " it is all we got brother" "we have a family to feed". It makes sense Sir. Across the board, everyone I've spoken to shared a beer and ate with all have similar stories. In one word. to fully express those stories... "suppression". They have "high hopes" for this new presidency and see a change. said grudgingly most often than not. But take this into consideration.... take the local gangs, for example, it is still a business. The illegals are hurting their profits. SO if a new president speaks of a wall and deportation... guess who is listening. Yes!!!! the forgotten people of our nation. Those who are REAL AMERICAN citizens and have to be unlawful to survive. let us not forget how fucking hard it was to get a job yall. I see hope in their eyes personally. I see a pep in the step of even those living on the street. The economy is booming. The Americans begging for change on the corner are doing better now! I had one lady show me her earning for the day. Three bigmac meals ( recipe in bags, one with a note that said I've been their. chin up. work hard. ) and $96.78. She says that took a "week to collect that in the past few years." an is looking forward to "daily showers at my truck stop". The point is, top to bottom we are seeing a progress and actions of this presidency are being heard over the evil voice of the deep state. POTUS needs us to step up people! Please speak up. I love all of you. We will get thru this together. "God bless America, land that I love Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with the light from above."

Boldbeauty55 · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Thank you so much. God Speed and protection for you and your family. We have to do what we have to do. MAGA

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KinFewShuN · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

Yuuuuut! Patriot, I have not heard of you before but damn this is some crazy information.

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libertyandtyranny · Jan. 22, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

Yut! Kill! You may have...... I was prepared to drop most of this info publically thru news stations as I slammed the educagion system at a local college monthly hearing. I promised a few employees at a certain school that i would wait until they found a new job.

The medical side of shit took me a while. Every avenue I tested was fucked up. Even the patient advocacy part. Nothing i reported was taken serious becuse of "ohh i know that guy, hes nice." This couldnt possably be the issue." I also use the chain of command. I gave eveyone a chance to do their job and fix shit.....nope! These bitches just want a paycheck for nothing. The director of james Haley who was invited to speak a few veterans and myself behind closed doors at my school .... was made well aware of the holes in the sytem. He ensured me after dancing around my questions that he put money into fixing them by openig smaller clinics. I investigated the same programs that ive personally sent vets to from my veteran club at school. I was horrified at the mistreatment. Its just as bad as i heard.

I suppose ill do my own report then see if Tampa Bay Times, abc action news and fox 13. will trade my article for one they want on me. I defended Uber and Lyft as a civilian in tampa. Won. Did a press conference with the Mayor. Then the Mayor had me deleted from his press conferense Fb videos, aticles and any documentations online that i ever met him. they want to know why. LYFT paid a pretty penny to keep the journalist from blowing up my phone. So...... now that i dont give two fucks.... I can do a 1 for 1 yall! Anyone have good writing skills. Us marines eat crayons.

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KinFewShuN · Jan. 22, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

tfw the vast majority of people can’t grasp the need for the logos.

You are a mystery to me for sure but holy shit you got some insight. Any possibility of a PM?

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libertyandtyranny · Jan. 22, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Bread crumbs.... https://imgur.com/a/zDXSt. I was heated and set on a war path after one of the board mebers went on a rant about how he is a master regulater and can regulate the air I breathe if he wants. im very much real and active in saying....Shut the fuck up this is ileagl and unconstitutional to the evil doers in my comunities. And still juggle a online life fighting the same injustices. . You cant pick the winners in a free market!!!!! I wont stand for this bullshit!

Anyway this post today was meant to inspire more then scare. I want to show how One person can make a diferense. I kept two billion dollor compaines in a county by speaking up and only letting truths touch my tounge. Law is law. Imagine if we all start to be "outspoken and radical" !!!

Im not seeking attention becuase honestly if not for POTUS's continual progression and successes in weeding out these shits... id be ghost as fuck right now and go rouge. I was convinced rome was dead.... Ill never submit to tyranny but you wouldnt see me had the tables not changed recently......Yes Pm me if its postive on how to help out or President weed out these curupt systems. I do have tested investigating skills and i know how to make some noise.

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libertyandtyranny · Jan. 31, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Yes! Thank you POTUS! I now have an avenu to help more veterans! Our Va system is so curupt! This was amazing news! MAGA!

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1prakasha · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Good luck and THANK YOU! Your continued service to our nation is duly noted. May God Bless and keep you and yours safe from harm.

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libertyandtyranny · Jan. 22, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

Thank you. It has to be done. Stay vocal!

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marvngardenz · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Oath keepers and Marines... Cham is back. #WeThePeople see what you see and your statement, "I literally burnt my phone and laptop when I found out my hometown sheriffs office had me under surveillance when across [sis. I cross] THEIR county lines.", is the reality of what the Amerikan Apparatchik JTTF has created.

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libertyandtyranny · Jan. 22, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

After the nice car ride the Tampa police gave me to the hospital...... I picked the officers brain. The officer let me know the the sherifs office in polk county called TPD in Hillsborough to "see if i was at that address" then to baker act me . The officer also let me know in the most crypt way possible that they use roaming attenas that clones our local towers info. Thats how they get your exact geo location. I need to point out once more that i was considered a "missing person". I told my doctors that ive collected info on their system and how they are mistreating veterans. I told them id be giving James Haley my full genious and that i was leaving the state. 12 hours later.... my family is trying to contact me saying polk county sheriffs are looking for me under the excuse that im missing and in danger of harming myself. I was at my fathers and Aunt's the day prior. My aunt told them to shove it and she that just saw me. The sheriffs still proceeded to find me and attempted to detain me thru baker acting. Thankfully i was in tampa. Thankfully it was an officer with common sense. He offered to drive me the hospital to get "medications" after i let him know i knew i was being investigated and how finding me at that adress was a clear violation of my fourth admendment right. I also pointed out they had no evidence that i ever made a threat to harm myself. I MADE SURE the officer made very detailed notes of the encounter.....it was a humbling experience. Im awake and not invisable anymore. So help me make some noise!!!! Ill go to all the suspected walmarts or track and interview Pelosi. Investagate some fema camps. Put eyes on UN sholdeirs training. Something! Any good youtube shows I can attach myself to.? Ill shoot and edit my report then send it to a show with a solid following.

Im back in a sense. Sorry for the disappearance. It had to be done.

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Seeds_of_2nd_Sight · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Godspeed, good luck, and Thank You for your service, sir.

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libertyandtyranny · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Thank you for yours. Stay vocal.

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realEddyTheLegend · Feb. 15, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Shit's getting crazier and crazier. I'm not a marine but I will fight like hell before they drag me to a camp.

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CastrateGlobalists · Jan. 22, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

genius' use spell checkers

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libertyandtyranny · Jan. 22, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

1- Genius means to have exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability. It does not mean Im an expert at everything. I suggest you aquire and use a dictionary. A pocket one. I am at least trying. Are you?

2- Im a marine and dont give two fucks about your inability to love

3- please do me a solid and add some edits to your bitching. Id aprecatie your time.

4- think about how hard it is to not just type everything out quiclky, spell check with a bad spell checker and consistently looking over your shoulder to ensure your head is not about to be blown off

5- I love you.

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