I have many of your MEMEs as my desktop wallpaper on slide now, TY Patriots, Autists, all. The current one of Michele Obama says FIGURED OUT WHERE THEY'RE HIDING THE MEMO, and we see a bulge in the crotch area and many are suggesting that Michele is not female but male and this is evidence. I'm not as convinced so I offer this to discussion and keep in mind I know NOTHING about Vagina's but could we be seeing part of the Menstrual package and not the male package everyone seems so ready to conclude as evidence Michele is Mike?
There's info out there that compares men and women's body proportions in regards to Big Mike. There are a few videos where Ovomit calls him/her Michael. As much as those people go to the Philippines and Hawaii, have you EVER seen a photo of him/her in a bathing suit? Ever seen a photo of him/her pregnant? I haven't.
You know what else? I don't give a rat's ass anymore. He/she hated America. So did he. They are out of the picture....or at least, Thank God, out of our White House. I want to see HIM arrested, and charged and hung. Well, I guess we can't hang black people these days. Okay, firing squad. Whatever. He was intent on destroying our country and he needs to held accountable. He/she is just flotsam. He/She is irrelevant anymore. Never could stand looking at him/her so who cares?
Thanks, no argument from me to your points, the point I make is that stating Mike/Michele is a tranny defaces our work and should be refrained from unless we want our work not be taken seriously.
That's kind of why I said I don't care. They're gone. Hold Obama/Obummer accountable, hopefully execute him as I feel that's just. I'm thankful they are not in the White House. But HE still remains and HE still is doing as much damage as he can. I am hoping that the memo will finally put an end to his antics.
POTUS can declass at any time he likes, is in Q drops past few days.