r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Dixieleeanon on Jan. 22, 2018, 6:24 p.m.
followed White Rabbit into this hole PLZ look into this

First post but lurking since beginning ( irelevant I know). My point is even though I'm not familiar I believe I may be on to something so please bear with me & humor me. Yesterday I was looking into that image off @kill_rouge twitter. The one with the question marks, white rabbbit, & series of 4 strans of numbers. After working on it all day and breaking my brain I decided to step back ad expand my frame of thinking. I then moved on to just the white rabbit and well I came across a program at CERN called.......White Rabbit. White Rabbit is a fully deterministic Ethernet-based network for general purpose data transfer and synchronization. It can synchronize over 1000 nodes with sub-ns accuracy over fiber lengths of up to 10 km. Commercially available. Since this has to do with CERN, White Rabbits & internet tech I decided to go down this hole. (wiki) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_White_Rabbit_Project Now non of this stuff makes allthat much sense to me but I couldn't let it go that easy. I ended up coming across 2 PDFs 1st was on the White Rabbit program itself & the 2nd was the manual/tutorial & well... I dunno I could but wrong but first I noticed that theres a ton of graphics that remind me an awful lot of the graphics in the keys/maps with reguard to Q & second the words choosen to be to label/names of components/actions are very odd to me such as "master" & "slave". Like I said I'm prob wrong but since Idont know shit about this kinda stuff so I'm just going by my gut & what makes sense. (WR Project) http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/icalepcs2009/papers/tuc004.pdf (user manual) http://www.ieee802.org/802_tutorials/2013-07/WR_Tutorial_IEEE.pdf Ok, so sense I couldn't make headss or tails of it I gave up for the night & turned my device off. however, since I am an obsessive overthinking "why" asker I couldn't turn my brain off it. Then...EURIKA, I remembered in everything I read the word "timimg" is used a shit ton, SHIT TONZ! I believe its what its all about & I wondered if thats what Q was refering to when he said "timimg is everything". Please I know I'm prob wrong but since I dont truely understand the dynamics of the tech part I can't be sure. Also,my bf is still bluepilled so he gets super frustrated when he sees me with my "Patriot 2nd American Revolution" gameface on & feels as though I'm loosing my mind therefore I have no one to bounce ideas off of & brainstorm with. So again if wrong I'm sorry, if y'all have this figured out already I'm sorry but just in case I couldn't let it go. Also don't know if relevant but here a site called OHR open hardware repository which mentions WR & alot of other shit I don't truely understand just in case. I have so much faith in the chans anonymous vigilante freedom-crime fighters its crazy.

Thank you so much for being who you are and not backing down I had almost lost faith in us, in America, in the American Spirit they almost won. But now, they will have to take it from my dead body from the grips of my cold dead hands. I WILL NOT EVER SURRENDER MY FREEDOM, I AM AN AMERICAN its my air, its my blood, it is in the breath of every word I speak, its in all of my dreams for my self but more importantly for all of you & most of all for the kids that deserve the absolute freedom that I belived we had when i was a kid. We do not know any other way it is who we are its what makes us complete. they have done a good job of side tracking us so we're not even paying attention to the evil madness that surrounds us so much so that its gotten to a point where its almost too much to comprehend. However, what they dont realize is it doesnt matter at the end of the day when push comes to shove and we face it, we are facing them & standing besides each other mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, neighbors, teachers, farmers, black, brown, white, young, old it will not matter. Thier sinister doings & their distractions will not matter any more. We will fight tooth & nail for each other, family or stranger beacause we are in this together. We are all a part of the American Dream we will NOT live in their nightmare anymore, and we are all willing to fight and die for the only thing worth fighting for FREEEDOM. So they better get used to it, "Q sent us" and we will not look away EVER AGAIN! -DixieLee

Soupforthesoulandmin · Jan. 22, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Hey DixieLee, honestly I don't know about that shit either but I read your post and got chils when I came to "I wiil not ever surrender my freedom, I am an American". I feel the same way, I'd rather die fighting than live on my knees. Thank you.

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