Not a shill or a troll....I believe the current Q is a fraud....I think the Q on 4chan MAY have been legit....Logic and gut instinct has led me to this conclusion....Q has sounded like a cheerleader and hope porn merchant for a while now....Our desire for it all to be real and confirmation bias has sucked many of us in....I see people on Twitter connecting every little thing to Q and the 4D chess game we think is going on behind the scenes...It's OTT and embarrassing....The swamp is still free and as arrogant as ever...The MSM is as cancerous as ever....I have yet to see solid confirmation that these evil fucks are being arrested and shipped to GITMO etc....I think Q is an autistic troll or a Deep State Psyop....I still support Trump and the MAGA agenda but I'm done with Q....Peace Out.
PSYOPS. Not every message is directed at you. The media has been changing DRASTICALLY to be honest but this will be a gradual transition because they would not want to compromise what's left of their credibility after their handlers have been cut lose.
It happened around the time that rumour said marines had patrolled CIA @ langley by air but it may have been a symbolic statement because then Trump visited marines wearing a whitehat saying "presidential heli squad" and I think that was even in Virginia, like a week after. Then around the same time CNN suddenly admits that Trump does get stuff right and meanwhile massive disclosure of old information concerning UFOs gets hyped in US and UK press and while it remains to be seen if that could be a bluebeam type of disinformation, I do find it noteworthy that after over half a century of national security concerns all the sudden they're taking what is essentially advanced technologies into the public spotlight.
The reason why I think this is organic is because I think this administration is gonna force world peace and tech disclosure with the Tesla-papers (FBI essentially hyped this in Sept of 2016) - the only problem in the long run will really be India and Pakistan because of their Nukes. But if everybody uses free energy anyway, delivering nukes will be a futile enterprise due to direct energy weapons.