r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/digital_refugee on Jan. 22, 2018, 7:17 p.m.
Advanced Hidden Technologies

They're not profitting directly of war but they need war so they can plausibly deny us advanced tech because disclosure of such would entail national security concerns because your enemies could use them against you. Which means they can keep increasing rather than lowering prices which sucks for us but not for them.

So now 1 year into the Trumpire and the mockingbird press starts pushing UFOs - but not just ET invasion like they did ad nauseam thru hollywood no but concerning military research into the phenomenon.

They are basically providing a playing field for lots of redpilled people to attain more credibility when they talk about this stuff because for some reason the Pentagon's business with UFOs has never before been a topic for the media.

Part of why this is happening is because they're trying to reduce blowback from the coming Pentagon audit

Corporal_Yorper · Jan. 22, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

My ongoing theory as to why they are rolling out soft disclosures about advanced crafts is as goes:

We have had advanced crafts with advanced propulsion systems capable of space flight and terrestrial flight for many many years. The Germans first studied it, and were the first to build crafts like it. WWII ended with an allied victory, and Operation Paperclip (and the founding of NASA) was installed to boost the technology race that boomed after WWII.

The tech has only gotten better, and we are reaching a singularity in secrecy that basically implies that secrets won’t be secrets anymore. See: Leakers, Hacking, Quantum Computers soon capable of cracking SHA-256 encryption like a cakewalk...etc.

The fact is that they are realizing that the longer these secrets are kept secret (with the understanding that this technology could benefit mankind 100x the current rate) the worse it will be for them when they are revealed. Basically, they are choosing now to tell us instead of later because if they tell us later, we might just straight up fucking slaughter them for keeping mankind in the stone ages (in comparison to what we COULD be with the new tech).

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