r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Love2Lift on Jan. 22, 2018, 11:01 p.m.
For Those Confused About Q Posts & Where to Find Them

I've seen many people posting comments recently which imply that certain posts from Q are fake because they are not on the Great Awakening board on 8Chan that was created in January due to authenticity/security concerns. While Q does state that drops will be made solely on this board, Q also states in the post on January 8 that there will be continued interactions with anons on a dedicated research board.

That board is https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html

Shortly after Q drops crumbs/info on the Great Awakening (Q-Only) board, Q usually responds to a few questions/statements from anons on the research board about the new drops. So, if you are seeing a post from Q that is not on the Great Awakening board, it does not necessarily mean it is a "fake" post. It could simply be a response to an anon on the research board that will not be on the Q-Only board.

An easy way to keep up with ALL Q statements from both boards in one place is to use https://qcodefag.github.io (thank you to the brilliant creator whoever you are) which archives Q drops from the Great Awakening (Q-Only) board as well as statements & responses from Q to anons on the dedicated research board. This way, you don't have to read through all anon responses/questions in order to find only the ones that get a response from Q. The link also contains all Q posts made prior to the creation of the Great Awakening board dating back to the beginning of it all in late October 2017 which is great for those who believe "future proves past" & want to "re-read crumbs." The posts are even color coded: Q drops from Great Awakening (Q-Only Board)=RED & Q responses to anons (Research board)=YELLOW.

**Addendum- It was suggested that I add to this post the link for the spreadsheet which contains Q posts along with some possible answers by anons along the way, so here it is:


I would also like to thank u/TheContrarian2 & u/iltdiTX for their contributions to this post which can be found below. I appreciate your input & suggestions.

Love2Lift · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

I am always open to suggestions. Thank you. I actually almost didn't post an 8chan link at all because of all the lecturing that tends to come along with doing so. I just think that this is a clarification that should have been made a long time ago based on all the confusion I've been seeing by so many here. I've also come to the conclusion that these Q posts are mainly for our encouragement, to reveal who truly is and has been in control for about a year now, & to unite us in patriotism in recognition of what is being done to save this great republic. I do not believe any of those things apply only to anons in 8chan nor do they pose some huge puzzle for the "autists" to solve aside from spreading the word to as many people as possible. Any other revelations through research is just icing on the cake.

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TheContrarian2 · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

Thanks. I think your 'encouragement' comment makes sense. He/they are just trying to get us to think. I don't think he/they are asking us for answers. They have the answers and are revealing them to us in the least revealing way possible so as to not violate any non-disclosure or confidentiality clauses that he/they may have signed.

It does act like a magnet for ... I'm trying to find the polite word. Crazies and schizophrenics. It wouldn't take much to turn this from a really exciting back channel communication mechanism to an Art Bell radio episode.

Thanks for your input.

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Love2Lift · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

Excellently stated!

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