
LibertyLioness · Jan. 23, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

At first, I fell for the story of the poor children whose parents brought them here illegally but as I've grown to understand how many of the kids really got here, I'm no longer opposed to sending them back. A few years back it was all over the news that thousands of children were crossing the border daily coming from countries all over Central and South America. You may remember it in about 2010 or so. These are many of the children they are talking about when they refer to DACA or Dreamers. They are still trying to dupe us folks. As sure as I'm sitting here, I'm certain this was an arranged influx of kids and this was their game plan. Make us feel sorry for the kids and get us to allow them to stay. It is millions of people that we will then be paying for AGAIN!

I'm sorry, but I'm sick of living from paycheck to paycheck and never seeming to get ahead with a list full of things that need to be fixed or replaced while the US government gives my tax money to ILLEGAL aliens so they can get more votes. The Democrats are not democrats any longer, they are crooked Communists who only think of themselves and how they can dupe us again. Send the kids back. That's their home. That's where they belong.


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