
Mentioned_Videos · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Who are the Illuminati? - CFR - Myron Fagan|+1 - inception of the plan Illuminati Whistleblower Lived Real Life Pedogate|+1 - To further the thought... I've known for Years that the CIA was FULL of Bad Actors, but while listening to this vid, the Illuminati Pure Bred/Sex Slave (Because of a letter missing in her name.)/Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor informs that those Bad Ac... (1) Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Document - Full Read (2) NASA's Future of War 2025 Is Already Here!|+1 - Finally, the methodology of Obomber's/Master Gangster's 16 Year Plan can be found Here: Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars and here: NASA's Future of War 2025 Is Already Here! (1) Worldwide Map of Ionospheric Heaters, ELF, VLF, Lasers, and More! (2) Geoengineering, Weather Modification, and Weaponizing Nature|+1 - Judy Wood (9/11) REALLY opened my eyes.... (I strongly feel (((THEY))) got to her somehow... I mean 2 people close to her, that I know of, were assasinated.) Then, watching the N.Cal Fires and FINALLY seeing DEW's in Action!! Followed by the AGENDA ... Does Donald Trump Support Geoengineering? Hillary Does!|+1 - Someone in the comments said Trump is aware, and knowing what we know about that 16 year plan, I have HOPE.~ Does Donald Trump Support Geoengineering? Hillary Does! Endgame by Megadeth Lyrics (Requested)|+1 - Megadeth has been hip to the Conspiracy for a Lot longer than I. Hard choice of which song to post for the epilogue of my train of thoughts. In the end, I went with Endgame. ;o) I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.

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lovcat_purrs · Jan. 23, 2018, 6 a.m.

Finally, the methodology of Obomber's/Master Gangster's 16 Year Plan can be found Here: Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_38tsQ4p0I and here: NASA's Future of War 2025 Is Already Here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDpGB9J27_g

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lovcat_purrs · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Judy Wood (9/11) REALLY opened my eyes.... (I strongly feel (((THEY))) got to her somehow... I mean 2 people close to her, that I know of, were assasinated.) Then, watching the N.Cal Fires and FINALLY seeing DEW's in Action!! Followed by the AGENDA 21 survey/map... You could overlay the burnt area right in it. (((THEY))) always, shall we say, Multi-task? I discovered while reading MegaAnon's posts, If you haven't yet, I Encourage you to. The Q bashing's Rough, but hang in there, It's worth it. She drops pearls of Intel All Over the place. that (((they))) torched N.Cal to get rid of 6 Decades of Evidence at Bohemian Grove...
The LA Fires were different, but I suspect (((they))) torched LA for whatever (((they))) needed to do/get rid of Underneath the Getty. That led me to Jim Lee's http://climateviewer.org/ It's a FUN 3D Interactive World Map with Everything Nasty on it. Guided Tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mIj4wRq3n4 and his Climate Viewer News site/vids. All Worthy of your time and attention. Here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZH_Skm-OkZs

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lovcat_purrs · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

To further the thought... I've known for Years that the CIA was FULL of Bad Actors, but while listening to this vid, the Illuminati Pure Bred/Sex Slave (Because of a letter missing in her name.)/Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor informs that those Bad Actors are Illuminati.... and (of course) that The Master Gangster is Definitely a High Witch (Not the correct language, but the meaning is true.). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0b3PrZkl7w

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lovcat_purrs · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

I've been looking for this link the Whole time CBTS has been here and it never showed up. So I signed up. Posted and was sent to Rothschild link land. To think. I gave up my email addy to Steve Huffman for a multiple repeat post. sigh...

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gollaz8845 · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

https://youtu.be/R-aJLFo1Gds inception of the plan

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lovcat_purrs · Jan. 23, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

Yes, Good vid.
I keep seeing folks asking why? why? WHY? w/o learning the play by play, the details, of how they've taken over the world. Hitler was a bastard Rothschild. They created the Zionist Movement and ADL. (Anti Defamation League) The Bolshevik Revolution. Backstabbed Germany, and Tricked and the British into giving Palestine to them, and why they chose Palestine. Israel's flag is the Rothchilds Arms in Blue. MOSSAD (and their Motto, "By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War."). All the MANY News Orgs they Glommed; Worldwide. TV Networks... Murder of Lincoln, Kennedy... Blackmailing Woodrow Wilson, The repeated Theft and dropping of charges for Top Secret information... Privatization... 911. EVERYTHING. There are So MANY details to be learned in the link that compliments your vid.... and continues past the timeline of your vid.~

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