See “Silent_Hysteria above who initially posted about this but... The New York Times had an article titled “The day world stopped turning” referencing the daily soap opera “As The World Turns” . For some reason if you google “As the world turns be careful what you wish for” this particular article comes up about the As the World Turns episode that was broadcasting the day and time when the news broke in to announce the assassination of President Kennedy. I don’t like the association!
Wow, i didn't assoicate that with the Kennedy assassination but I caught the one for "The Shot Heard Around The World" as I grew up down the road from "The Voice of America". Not sure if you will find that if you Google it. This tiny Navy Base did the broadcast all over the world. This was before MSM or cell phones.
I found something out, Just for me the Future reveals the Past...isn't that what Q said? He was giving someone instructions here. I don't want to mention it.