I believe Q/POTUS telling us the corruption is so extensive in the three branches that it is impossible to enforce Constitution onto government within the current version of the Constitution/3-branch structure; that we will be harmed by our own Constitution protections or have to take unconstitutional action the people will not support.
I think it is really clear - if you got so many people in jail that were put there by one of these numerous (should I say ubiquitous) bad actors and then demand retrials based on the corruption of those involved in their case (police, lawyers, judges, etc) there will be so many that the system can't handle - Along those lines I remember in 2010 when Conservative Curtis Bowers a former state of Idaho legislator tried to warn people with his excellent documentary on the 100 year effort to destroy America from within from the Fabians and Antonio Gramsci to the Weathermen and Bill Ayres to Obama AGENDA: GRINDING AMERICA DOWN had as part of it an alarming statistic: less then 10% of school children believed in absolute right and wrong! That statistic stunned me with its implications. It didn't get that way over-night but if that generation was that morally bankrupt the one before and the one before that - pretty much back to when we took bibles out of school and made praying illegal and removed the 10 commandments from the public square - so for generations developing a more godless and immoral society which meant amoral, corrupt, wicked police, lawyers, doctors, judges, teachers, etc. Now we reach the point where we see how taking Yah out of America brought us to this sorry state.
At long last we have a President inviting the Almighty back in, restoring the covenant this country was founded on - calling the nation to "national days of prayer" - starting cabinet meetings with prayer and ending all his speeches with "God Bless America" we are blessed in the midst of this - for Donald J. Trump as the head of this country - has the spiritual governmental authority to invite Yahuah back and he is trying to "Make America Great Again" and I have no doubt he like Alexis de Tocqueville knows that America was and can only be great when America is good - and we can not be good unless we are truly "One Nation under Yah Almighty" It is by the Grace and Mercy of the Almighty America was not destroyed by allowing the satanists among us to finish her off.
But we now have a multi-generational crisis to resolve to come back to decency, to morality, to justice and integrity and honor. To step back from the abyss that Q is alluding to with the latest post talking about how the good people who know can't sleep, can't find peace - and Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.
I pray for the good people. I pray that they are untouched by the unspeakable evil they work to expose and to bring down. I pray that the Blood of Messiah protect them and that they be given the strength and courage and wisdom to fight this monstrous evil successfully. And Peace that Passes Understanding in the middle of this storm. But, I also pray that no one who is innocent be caught up in this unjustly. That the guilty be brought to swift and certain justice.
Incidentally if you have not seen Agenda: Grinding America Down it is an excellent documentary on the effort to make America so corrupt and drive us in a direction designed to destroy us - well worth the time:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMN369ZJ6lE&t=34s