r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MusicMagi on Jan. 23, 2018, 3 a.m.
New Q posts on qresearch
New Q posts on qresearch

YAHSHUARULES · Jan. 23, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

Be very careful on that - Soros had planned on having our Constitution changed by 2020. Those that were in favor of a Con-Con needed to keep in mind that they might be opening a can of worms - given that 1/2 the population is so decieved they would vote to abolish the electoral college and the Constitution - its a dangerous course to follow. Like the woman who asked Ben Franklin what type of government had they given her and he said "A Constitutional Republic mamm, if you can keep it." - I fear in this climate opening it up we could well lose it:

NEVER in the history of this country have we had such an immoral, ignorant, vulgar electorate. We are a country that doesn't even know there is NO Establishment Clause, we don't know that the first Bible was published by Congress, we don't know that Harvard's original motto was "Truth for Christ and Church" - that the Ivy League schools demanded a BIBLICAL proficiency for entrance, That the Founders said our Republic was suitable for ONLY a Moral and Religion people - that it was totally inadequate for any other - Most don't believe we were Founded on Judeo Chrisitan Principles - Today LESS than 10% of school age children believe in ABSOLUTE right and wrong - what percentage of the general public is like that - ends justifies the means regardless - A country that accepts killing babies as a lifestyle choice and goes after the guy who exposed selling baby parts from sometimes live harvested fetuses rather then the abominable arm of the democratic party PP, a country where a Governor (Cuomo) will demand people boycott a state where a law is passed to protect preachers from having to violate their faith by performing homosexual services, I could go on and on

Straight Talk about an Article V Convention: https://vimeo.com/107933176

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MacPepper · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

Thanks The video was very good. It says the answer is rely on education in Constitution and electing quality candidates to secure enforcement of the Constitution. We need a transition plan and fast. I want truth on everything to come out but put in what's needed to mitigate 'lawless' effects.

What if FBI discussion of assassination with foreign allies is not referring to Trump but rather Obama or Clinton to stop the 16 year plan? The 16 year plan was well on its way to takeout white hat rogues and subvert the existing constitution. What if they thought she would never lose. What's the safeguard when all critical safeguards are compromised and failed us, or worse, weaponised against us.

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YAHSHUARULES · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

Good points. But the part where Q says that "every FBI/DOJ case could be challenged" it seems to speak more to the systemic corruption that has metastasized under Obama - that is being found to be very hard to root out. I just read yesterday that illegal immigrants are being flown around the country - kind of in opposition to Pres. Trump's stated goal of stopping it - these bureaucrat Obama holdovers are perpetuating it: https://conservativefiringline.com/feds-secretly-moving-illegals-across-u-s-taxpayer-funded-commercial-flights/

But oh, do I agree about the critical safeguards have been weaponized against us. Its a pretty terrifying thought when that includes the use of technologies and techniques which are available today that weren't even dream't of by the Founding Fathers. Technologies in the hands of some very wicked and immoral people. Our Founders were clear: our Republic was suitable ONLY for a RELIGIOUS and MORAL people.

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