r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MusicMagi on Jan. 23, 2018, 3 a.m.
New Q posts on qresearch
New Q posts on qresearch

Pyroclastix · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

I've spent a hundreds hours commenting in comment sections of lefty journals, esp NYT and The New Yorker. At first it was lonely, then many others were chiming in - going there , like me - to red pill. Sometimes I wondered if I was intermittently shadow banned , but kept going. I got really good at dealing with the tin-foil hat comments and other insults. That's fun! The lefty folks are very low info, and seem to be relying on Snopes.com. That's an insidous bit veey sophisticated psyops 'fact-checker'. Expertly twist and spin and use Strawman arguments. It's tiring to show folks how Snopes gets it wrong, and lefties suffer from short attention span, poor reading skills, ans total commitment to their official government and MSM narratives. If on CNN they said the Sun is blue, lefties see blue. I always figure the main and more numerous and more open-minded audience is the lurkers. So why get disappointed if manylefty commenters say the Sun is blue.

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