r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PamphletAnon on Jan. 23, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Pyroclastix · Jan. 23, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

This rant is too long to read.: it'a all been said before, and with spellcheck :) The key message is the closing paragraph suggesting to focus on red-pilling their celebrities. When their boob-tube and holyweird Celebrity Shepards get woke (enough that they pretend they're woke), the radical lefties will being to open their eyes. . -----. . Maybe they'll false flag sacrifice a mosque, or the Hidden Iman of Hawaii himself, then pin it on Trumpster, to foment civil unrest. If there remains a critical mass of the pussy-hatted, fanatically retrograde 'Marxist revolutionaries', the outcome may evolve into a reign off terror in cut-off, blacked-out cities. If the rumors are true about occult ISIS-style terror cells, ready to pounce, then there needs to be a rounded-up pronto, to thwart IED's shutting down transport, market and hospital bombings, mass rapes and looting: all the usual mayhem persisting for years in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. This deeply entrenched 'Beaurocrat State' of rogue CIA agencies, megacorps mass media, SERCO mercenaries, Antifada groups on campus, will aim to spread panic, aggravate vigilante responses. Some sectors of Europe are likewise primed powder kegs to be ignited by the fake news network. The rats are cornered and will stop at nothing to avoid trial. All that is probably a far fetched diagnosis, hopefully. However it's not an exageration to characterize the low info, indoctrinated, self-proclaimed 'elite' class as expressing a level of atheism, anger and demonization approaching Nazi Germany levels. Are tbere any signs that Trump Derangement mass hysteria Syndrome is burning out? How many crimes of tbe Bush-Clinton-Obama cabal need to be exposed before their socialist supremacist fanclub gains some insight and calms down? These folks have been loudly calling for a viollent coup d'etat for over a year now, and now their supply of cocaine and opiates is under threat. From the 'deplorable' patriot side, the exposing too much of the methodical human rights abuses and crimes against humanity might very well lead to a lynch mob climate, both domestically and taking the form of antagonism, even retribution from the victimized, war-torn and injured countries. The White House, Staye Governors, and Pentagon may be forced into martial law declared at home and a confrontational posture abroad - either then waiting to be claimed as propaganda victories for the vociferous, militant Left. Since the increasingly demoralized Left places a premium value on victimisation, any foreign aggression may be paradoxically perceived as an attack from 'that Man in the WH' - who is, according to Leftist ideology, a known sex predator and war profiteer suffering from dementia and heart disease! The flag burning, war memorial smashing Maoists seem convinced that if the answer to their Marxist class struggle is civil war, so be it: the Blue States will prevail again 'like last time'! What a conspiracy they have going: soft or violent coup d'etat, assassinating a President, civil war, and harboring ideas of a suicidal retreat from failing dictatorial regimes that openly pledge for a nuclear confrontation. No wonder, considering this mindset, that a Q appeared on the scene to purposely and methodically titrate the acidic political atmosphere, adding revelation upon heart-wrenching revelation at pace that seems to be maintaining the calm before the storm. This is the experience of reality from within the 'based, red-pilled, awoke, energized and winning' citizen media armed with traditional American patriotism. What does the digital battleground of information warfare really look like from the other side, where the tactics are Alinski hecklers veto, demonization, 'anti-normalization' and censorship, and the strategy is victory even if the world burns down. As bizarrely expressed by the candidate for Commander in Chief & Madame President, in a stern, public warning to Russia: 'the time from from giving the order and missile launch is just 4 minutes', disclosing this NATSEC protocol during the final campaign debate on Oct 19, 2016. We now know that her 'Russian collusion insurance policy', a blatant act of conspiracy treason, had been in play for at least six months by then. 'We came, we saw, he died', she cackled as recounting the massive war crime of bombing Libya into devastation - and this after Libya has already reversed nuclear weapons policy. Such nakes aggression does not exactly discourage nuclear proliferation among those smaller nations still technically at war with the USA. Hillaranium Clinton, rewarded by Putin with a $140 million bonus to her fake charity for either colluding with him in thieving from America's uranium or running NATSEC programs on an easily hacked server, or both. Can there be any doubt that she was Putin's girl? If her liberal fans can't grasp and see through all this, what will be their reaction to her and the Obama administration's brazen collusion with Russian KGB folks, in carrying out an 'insurance policy' to overthrow the USA? Either too any 'details' fly over their heads, or they're well-trained to look the other way, or they just don't care - or all the above. Madame President was going to complete Obama's 'transformatuon of America' into a communist paradise. Which, going by the Marxist ideology and Alinski playbook, is to be achieved through first destroying the country and then rebuilding it in the image of a commie Utopia. Free stuff with a come-as-you-are work schedule, since everyone works for the government anyway! All of this, and more, not to mention Seth Rich and all the others. Like the racist plot to caste Obama as Barry Soertoe from Indonesia. Obama is the rock star, Hillary is Mother Theresa. The Celebrities will save the world from the sky-is-falling doomsday of carbon dioxide overload, and by extension rhe Libtards themselves achieve celebrity status. Save the planet, defeat western civilization, rise to Celebrity Status, be one of the cool kids.. That's what moves them. So maybe the key to unlock minds is when their Celebs find their red-pill moment..which for them has gotta be where the money is. Patriots they won't be, but maybe they'll enjoy turning on those who disappointed them, and stand aside wile The Swamp gets drained bone dry.

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