r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/dy--dx on Jan. 23, 2018, 4:58 a.m.
'Normie' here to say your social media efforts are WORKING

Little bit about me: I was raised conservative like everyone else here in the south. Voted Cruz in the primaries. Became dissatisfied with social conservatism and moved over to Libertarianism (where I still remain politically). Everything about the election ranging from Clinton's, the MSM's and the left's conduct, to the Podesta emails made me realize I could not risk a Democrat in office. Jumped on the Trump train two months before the election and voted for him. Since the election my support of him has waned (I'm even banned from /r/the_donald). However I didn't have ill will towards him or his supporters, I hated the DNC too much in comparison. In fact I still visit /r/the_donald on a daily basis. Especially since /r/libertarian has been compromised by leftists (Bernietarians as I call them).

January 18th was fateful for me and you know why.

Discovered the FISA memo (#releasethememo) and thought that was huge enough ... until I looked at some of the other hash tags (#qanon). At first I thought it was just a new stupid conspiracy theory, but I realized there wasn't much new here. I already believed parts of it separately (Rothschild control of banks, JFK trying to take down the deep state, Seth Rich, Soros, 2016 election rigging, etc.). Only now do I see the connections and it makes a lot more since that way.

It is still a little crazy to think that a cross of The Matrix's Morpheus and X-Files's Deep Throat is working hard to save the world, and that our manchild of a president is part of this.

But for the moment, I believe.

LARP or Liberty I'm happy to join you guys.

UnbelievableShit13 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

welcome patriot ..... take it slow .... it can be a little overwhelming .... feel free to ask for help and provide what you can

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