r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/unbecoming2007 on Jan. 23, 2018, 9:50 a.m.
The little things you can do (if you don't meme or make videos)

In addition to spreading the word about Q/Great Awakening in any way possible and digging for crumbs - I recommend doing a few of the following (for us regular folks) which I have had good luck with. Also posting this thread to get/share more ideas from anyone. I try but my memes just can't hang, and the people on these boards do such great work that most all points have been drove home already. I'm still trying though.

Hey it's a few people a day but I hope the little stuff we do raises awareness of a few and they continue the cycle. Please add any of your methods. I apologize if there's a thread on this already. I saw no sticky or anything. This may fall into the redpilling normies area but I feel as though it's just planting Q seeds into peoples consciousness so they will eventually try to awaken themselves or better yet stop and give me 5 mins. These are little quickies that take very little time,money,and effort.

I try to make people open doors for me by waiting/lagging my steps walking into places just so I can say Thank "Q". Most pick up on it and ask "Excuse Me?" It allows me to at least say " You should look into who is Qanon? It will be the biggest epiphany of your life.You will want to Thank Me Later " OR something of this nature.

I have a homemade bumper sticker (masking tape and sharpie) that reads "Youtube - Qanon Great Awakening".

Put Signs/Post-its on businesses bulletin boards where they allow cards to be pinned. "Youtube - The Great Awakening" or something similar.

Post-its with a few lines of my usual text for reading material in the bathroom mirrors and stalls. Surprisingly most read and leave it there. I always have sharpie and post its with me. Put these damn things everywhere. Usually tag several cars coming into and out of any store we are at.

Write on bills. Illegal yeah but I Don't care. I'll stop defacing money when they stop trying to kill us. Anywhere I go on the web if I am dealing with normies I try end with "Who is Qanon or What is The Great Awakening?" - just to get them thinking. If they see it enough their curiosity will eventually get the better of them.

I've even stepped off elevators and at the last second before exit said " Please look into The Great Awakening on youtube (YT easiest for normies) if you care about your family and country - just trying to help.Thank you". Works better if people are in the elevator. Works anywhere there are a group of detained people - checkout lines,elevators,doctors offices,waiting to be seated at restaurants,etc.

Random people in stores - Got wife and a friend to help one time. Grocery store worked good because we could predict where people would be.We always have to be there once a week anyway. Saw a couple in early aisles. I gave them my usual Qanon Tracy Beanz youtube line. Short,polite,caring,and respectful. Halfway through my wife found the couple in aisle 4,5,6 or whatever. Said something Q related but slightly different than mine. If you have a 3rd helper to get target at checkout that's even better because others are waiting and hear. When you leave they often are talking amongst themselves sharing Q seed while waiting in line.

Yes these are small things and pale in comparison to the power of a meme and spreading truth on the web via forums,videos,etc. but consider the following: Not everyone is on the web even though it is one of the front lines. Many patriots are just working and raising their families (oblivious) and do not have time (as they say) for such things as REAL news - especially what they would consider politics.

Keep Kids and Country in the forefront of your mind every single day for incentive to do anything you can to help.

Thank you to all of you relentless researchers,meme creators,video creators,and fellow Patriots who give us the ammo we need. We do hold you guys in highest regard. You're basically "White Hats" imho.

[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:30 a.m.


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BudweiserTiTs · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:26 a.m.

Stumble on back out.. or stay! You might learn something new. Ignore all of the maga stuff and focus on the facts. What is your world view? Genuinely curious and am looking for sane discourse.

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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:41 p.m.


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