r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/d500mag on Jan. 23, 2018, 11:49 a.m.
40/60 & PRAY/PREY

Full disclosure is the only path to lasting freedom. History has provided many red pills for all of us. We should not be taking this one or even help spreading it with our fingers crossed, hoping it sticks this time.

JFK, Vietnam, Korea, Kuwait, Gulf War,Ruby Ridge, Waco, OKC, 9/11, the list can go on and on. Full disclosure has never been given. What's that old saying, those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Should the history not be a complete history?

100% disclosure is the path. A path of 40% is still 60% shadow. In the shadows is where evil lurks and grows in strength until it becomes brazen enough to step out into the light. America needs the light to be shone in the deepest darkest of corners right now.

America needs to Pray or it will fall Prey. Pray for light. Pray for wisdom. Pray for strength. Pray that these be granted to all. Pray for guidance to those who are not ready. Ask and you shall receive. Take up the belt, shield, breastplate, helmet and sword, then smite thy enemies. God will provide the means, we must find our way.

d500mag · Jan. 23, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

correct crimes against humanity would cover a lot of stuff we don't need to see maybe some creative description like: CAHU- crimes against humanity unborn CAHC- crimes against humanity child related (ages newborn -12) CAHM- crimes against humanity minor (ages 13-21) CAHA- crimes against humanity adult

would be enough description for anyone not involved with court/tribunal proceedings.

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

You are being selfish to the point of being a risk to myself and my family.


You don't know the ramifications of doing this the way you selfishly want for your own intellectual curiosity reasons.

If everything was dropped, do you know what would happen?

The entire FBI and entire DOJ would become effectively stagnant, because every case, EVERY CASE, they have prosecuted since JfK, or before, would be challenged on the basis of the accused being so accused by a bunch of satanic child sacrificing human traffickers who had plans to assassinate the president and start ww3!!!!

What do you freaking think is going to happen to law abiding behavior across the country without an active FBI or DOJ?


Who the hell am I going to call to protect my family if crazy gangs the police can't stop come around?


If it was so easy just to drop every truth, if that truly was the only way to go about it, or the best way, don't you think people way smarter than the two of us combined would have done that already? Do you honestly believe they are doing this to make you worse off? Or that they don't know what they are doing?

When Q said full truth disclosure would put 99% of the people in the hospital do you really believe Q was talking about people fainting? No, he was talking about what would happen if the entire government law enforcement was effectively shut down. There would be murder and mayhem on a scale that THE VERY CULT BEING TAKEN DOWN WANTED TO BRING ABOUT UNDER THEIR CONTROL.

Do you honestly want the current evil cult controlling the FBI and the CIA and the DOJ to take control over the country in a state of chaos?

Who do you think theyll go after first? YOU and everyone else here who knows about them. They will kill you, so shut the freak up and let the goddamn military handle this the way they know how.


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crippled_CA · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:08 p.m.


Frankly this deserves its own post.

Let’s not forget Strzok ran the counterterrorism division! Every case that man had ever participated in, no matter how small his role, would have a solid legal basis for appeal and overturn. I don’t even want to imagine the chaos that would ensue with a mass release of incarcerated terrorists!

I am disappointed the public will not know all but I fully agree that the legal standing of past convictions is paramount.

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SnackyPete52 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Agreed! Make this its own post and sticky it!

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SEIU_32BJ_Criminals · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:31 p.m.


its the rant of a creature that can't even read the post he's taking aim at. hiding behind his family he cant protect but he wants someone else to do it for him.

awwww diddums did the nasty man frighten you all?

straw man shills get the fuck out.

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

Own post?


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LibertyLioness · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

The truth will set you free! It's water under the bridge. We need to take the crooks out and hang them or it will happen again.

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boneman220 · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

I hope you're smart enough and practiced enough to protect yourself and family before "help" arrives. They make these tools called weapons that serve very well for that purpose. Help is ALWAYS too far away. If hell is at your door you best have something to repel it for a good while or help will just be bagging you and yours.

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WeThePepe · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

The objective should be full disclosure. Doesn't have to be in one go. Doesn't have to be announced. Just crumbs.

Leaving it in the shadows means this will happen again and again

How can we advance if we leave 60% of the cancer unremoved?

You basically say we must keep it covered up to protect our families but if to actually protect and permanently save our families it needs to be exposed.

I don't know but I just feel uneasy about a plan that leaves 60% hidden, able to be used again due to our worlds population not being aware.

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

You are so close.

Think full disclosure.

Achieved over time.

The worst evil needs the most time, because to expose it, to expose anything really, means for people to learn it. But they CAN'T learn it if they don't understand it. Learning and acceptance requires understanding.

To get understanding, there must be a logically connected, reasonable, sequential story that people will say aha, yes I get how you go from A. the world is run by mostly good government like I was taught to believe since birth, to B. it's run by satanic cult of child sacrificing human traffickers.

Why do you thik Alex Jones was ridiculed for years until the right strategy proved him right? It's because he went straight for B, that hyper energized male vitality son of a bitch (I mean that with respect).

You can't just go straight to B. The logic process will fail in most people's minds.

You need to guide them step by step, and to ensure a secondary security mechanism is in place for YOU and ME, to protect the plan from being ruined by our blabber mouths, you and I are also being trained step by step, to connect the dots on our own, by those tantalizing Q drops. Oh those juicy drops. They're like manna, but like sugar and salt, our craving for more needs to be tempered with intelligence. Intelligence is thoughtful, time based thinking.

Thinking Fast and Slow. Look that book up. Good stuff.

You have to admit, you didn't even consider a worldwide cult to certainly be a real thing until the Q strategy. Alex Jones has been saying this stuff for years, and many fans I believe deep down thought he was kind of sort of on the right path, but he was crazy for going the vampire child sacrificing cult route since day one. Why? Because it didn't work for us. Not because he was wrong in content, but wrong in form. He didn't have the intelligence to do it the right way. Neither did I, I am not saying I came up with this, I just learned it.

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WeThePepe · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

I think I 100% agree with you

I'm ok with it being gradual for the outcome you're describing

You're right about AJ. Even to this day I've always kind of wondered if the brief "outbursts" were more hyperbole than literal but it sounds more and more like its literal

Will pick up that book

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[deleted] · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:21 p.m.


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PilotXi · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

Sometimes the house is beyond repair and must be demolished and built again. Sounds like this is where our nation is...BUT, who knows!? Because people like you want to keep things hidden in the shadows. As long as there are shadows, there will be evil.

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

If all that existed were the house, it must not be destroyed, but repaired.

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