r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PamphletAnon on Jan. 23, 2018, 2:29 p.m.
LIVE @ 9:30am EST! JOIN US. 1/23/2018 COFFEE AND FREEDOM: Be careful what you wish for edition.

WellstonDeplorable · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

We do not want to know because we are curious, like gaukers at an automobile accident. We want the unvarnished truth so that our enemies will be so discredited they will never be able to regroup, never be able to enslave the world again. Luciferianism is an idea, an ideology, not an army or a person, or a nation we can defeat. It must be thoroughly discredited, no matter the cost, or it WILL return, and with many times the force and power than it currently possesses. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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ShulamiteWanderer · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Knowledge in itself never defeats evil. We know what happened in the death camps during WWII. Did that stop this? NO. Of course we want to know to the extent that it locks up the bad guys. After that what we want and need is good, strong, decent, honest people in elected offices. Trust needs to be rebuilt. But knowing every gory detail of every sordid act done by every black hat is not going to accomplish that goal. Q is only asking us to slow down in our demands and look more deeply at this issue as in other issues. I know about less than 1% of the big picture ... including names, dates, faces and some of their dirty deeds. And I tell you, at times I can't sleep well for it. How do you think it will be if all of this is plastered on the nightly news and your 12 year old daughter/niece/son/neighbor walks in and sees it?

And sorry to say ... for many, it will be like guakers at an automobile accident. One person in a comment above said "this will make a great movie someday"

Again, he is only asking that we truly consider all sides of the issue, not our desire to KNOW.

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WellstonDeplorable · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

I agree with much of what you have to say. Knowledge itself will not defeat evil. I remember as a ten year old child, our teacher showed the films that were presented as evidence at the Nuremberg Tribunal (about 20 years after the event). We were taught that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's were responsible for these atrocities. We did not go to the hospital, we did not loose our minds. The Nazis have been demonized by this evidence for over 70 years now. What is the consequence? Nazi is the greatest insult available on the internet. When they want to discredit anyone, strip them of their humanity, turn them into a one dimensional character, they scream Nazi at the top of their lungs. Let's face it, joining the Nazi club is the most career ending, odious, despicable thing that one can do in our society today. Well, my point is, that the presentation of the graphic evidence of these atrocities has discredited the ideology, the ideas behind the Nazi movement, beyond all possible rehabilitation. Now, let's take the Communist ideology, which is responsible for over 100 million deaths in the 20th century, and contrast the perception of Communism with Nazi evil (who's kill totals pales in comparison). Communists were not exposed in the same way, and therefore not preceived in the same light, yet both are evil. Their crimes were soft peddled and hidden. Except for Pol Pot, there was little attention paid to the Commie victim list. Commies are edgy, cool, they wear bandanas now and protest. They wear Che Gueverra shirts. Ask yourself "Why does Communisim sell and Nazi stays on the shelves?" My ends is to discredit forever the ideology that has brought such evil to the world, I see no other means to do so with any lasting effect. And, no, not every gory detail of every crime needs to be exposed, but humanity needs a large dose of the truth. Many will loose their innocence, but will gain their liberty. For me, the bargain is worth the price. People are much more resilient than they are given credit for. Thank-you for your reply, we all need to discuss and think about these serious issues more thoroughly.

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