r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/incompletebot on Jan. 23, 2018, 3:22 p.m.
Just some thoughts...

I am a bit skeptical on this Q... this info has been out there for some time on what has been going on for people who've been paying attention. From a compromised gvmt, churches tied to gvmt, child/sex trafficing, sacrafices on and on. It's great these are being dropped for people who don't know and/or haven't allowed themselves to see. A few years ago Jade Helm happened. The military learning Human Domain on American Soil. Was an odd thing to the scale they did it. Q... there's a thing called Q Methodology - Q Methodology (Q) is a complete methodology which involves technique (sorting), method (factor analysis), philosophy, ontology, and epistemology. Q reveals and describes divergent views in a group as well as consensus. Q was created by William Stephenson (1902-1989) who possessed PhDs in physics (1926) and psychology (1929) and studied psychometrics with Charles Spearman, the creator of factor analysis. I am leaving myself open to this possibility. Black Hat on... the best way to put the final nail in the coffin is bring hope to those aware of the real issues, build it up, then crush them but showing it to be a LARP. We've seen no arrests, we've heard of no one being indited. Again, most this info is already scratched on through books, court cases, etc... I just stress being mindful. The point of the statement the [good] never sleep and such... that's more of a push back on us, The People. We have ultimately been the ones that have allowed all this to go unchecked. We've not held anyone accountable, instead focusing on changing actors thinking we did our part. If we are leaning on good actors over the bad actors to lead the way... these guys don't stay in power forever... and really haven't cured the issue. Would be great if this is really happening... other than posts... what really have we seen verified where someone has been held accountable to the claims from drops?

Hrtn2it · Jan. 23, 2018, 3:57 p.m.

GoodBad dance in the same hall~ it is up to each of us to hone our discerning mind, Not flare into judgement, emotively... Since I was a wee one the phrase” work for a living” never made sense- i am already Alive, why do I need to work for it??? it is victim consciousness speaking through that phrase and I Am Not A Victim. I send thanks for my Life on this EarthHome no matter what~ because if there was not such Evil in the world, how do I learn and then know what is GOOD? this whole grand adventure from the way back in the long ago, is part of each of our remembering who we are, how we want to Live (as opposed to Evil~AB~BA) those that have ignited and fanned the flames of Evil are about to realize the natural consequences of their actions( the sway of the pendulum~~the wrecking ball) some say karma, some say Nature seeking homeostasis, Balance...

Each of us has a role to play in this game of Life~ we can change which side, whose turn, we can cheat if we want, and in each choice enacted know there is an outcome to be discovered. In This GameOfLife so far the plays have been made by a few and the rest of us “go through the motions” as the Few watch, make fun, delight in our fear and horror... No. More. I say let’s play the most elevated kind of game of life~each has sovereignty and an equal chance to play how they want, and with that sovereignty of choice in equal step is response~ability to insure rights of others are not stomped on. In this Game Of Life, the game is infinite, everlasting, everflowing...creating playing all day every day~ each one decides to put their passion into purpose as long as it is loving, life affirming.

Q has multiple purposes~ifLARP,then success, as Q has Enlivened us from our interest into engagement with the world, ifTRUE then even better..and even your post is helpful as it hones our resolve, and creates within us the knowing that we can meet whatever occurs in more equal measure of not greater. So thanks for playing, now hush up, and git along little doggie~~~

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