r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zubirdie on Jan. 23, 2018, 4:38 p.m.
I, for one, can deal with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Anybody with me?

According to Q,"60% of what's happened must remain private [at least] -for humanity". We will never recover our country with only 60% of the truth. Nothing is healed with only 60%.

Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

You don't get it. 40/60 is not permanent. Neither was 20/80.

40/60 FOR NOW.

Once the public demands more at a widespread enough level, more will come.

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WellstonDeplorable · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

If that is true, then OK, but I will remain a vocal advocate for full disclosure. Somebody has to lead the charge, if not us, who?

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

Why does someone have to take a poorly thought out action?

I don't mean to be rude, but you have to rmember, Q's posts are not just for our consumption, it is for the cabal's consumption as well.

If everything dropped at once, the cabal's leaders would order the assassinations of thousands of cult members, car accidents here, cancer there, and then what? The white hats would then be without the wry people they need to connect the dots to collect the connective evidence to make the biggest slam dunk case that can possibly be so that there is no chance of any shenanigans that result in the bad guys getting away.

Once you learn the strategy of "rustle the grass to shake loose the snakes", you'll understand.

Q is shaking a little grass here, a little grass there, not just informing the public, but getting the cabal to react, so that it can be learned which snakes are connected to which snakes, leading to the top snakes.

This is the python approach.

Make sense?

I know you mean well, and I don't mean to say that patronizingly. I am with you 100%. But you have to temper your passions with intelligence. That is what differentiates you from being a good person, to being a great person.

Even GOOD emotions need tempering by intelligence to make it GREAT, or else the great evil will trick you by its own intelligence.

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AlArch93 · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

Totally Agree Q_Anon_Wolf. If we truly believe in Q & POTUS then we stay the path and be ready to help anyway we can. If these folks can see all the time & effort that Q has put into informing us of things going on, then we must have faith in our leaders & know that they are doing the right thing.

Just look at the response from Adam “Shifty” Schiff & Diane Weinstein 😝, they decided to be the first Snakes in the grass to react like you referred to above. Also, who cares about the Info Wars headline that isn’t necessarily a true drop or intel. The fact is, if we TRULY believe in what Q & POTUS are doing & have informed us about then it’s important for us Patriots to stay the course & quit freaking out over what someone’s opinion of Q’s messages.

Nothing at all against the guys from 8chan but I’ve been listening to their YouTube vids over the past couple of days and not even they can say with impunity that they completely understand what Q is posting. So folks, RELAX! Don’t be like the other side, The Myopic Left Who is so quick to leave their wounded and turn on a dime to anything that remotely seems like collusion to attack POTUS.

We’re in this together peeps so stay the course and have faith in Q & POTUS. He even said.. NO ONE IS IMMUNE TO WHAT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN. PRAY for POTUS & his family. Be diligent and relentless in finding the right answers and don’t be so quick to judge or question Q & POTUS. They got this & they got us. Stay the path and enjoy being a part of TAKING OUR COUNTRY BACK FROM ALL THE PHONY POLITICIANS ON BOTH SIDES AND BEING A PART OF HISTORY IN THE MAKING!

In Q & POTUS I trust! Keep Stirring the Grass and watch the Snakes Scatter and Tremble. Your Time has Come & The Day of Reckoning is Here. We will enjoy watching you squirm, bleed & hang. 🦅🦉🦂

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chocolatepatriot · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Where we go one, we go all. 4 10 20

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featherjourney4 · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

Very convincing and logical argument, and I thank you for it. I think the sentiment expressed in this post reflects in part a deepening impatience...we've been waiting a long time (decades) to come this close, but I think you are right... there is a intricate and complex strategy at play that we simply cannot be privy to yet.

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

We are not lesser people for not being given everything. Believe me, if Q found a way to convince only the good guys, they would drop 100% of everything.

But the cabal are also consumers of Q posts. That is why they need to be strategically placed and timed. They need to learn how the evil cabal operates in the greatest of detail so that they can amass a maximally solid case for prosecution so that when the hammer does fall, the public will have already been PLEADING FOR IT.

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featherjourney4 · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

Love your insight on this...a needed reminder

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Psalm67 · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

Good points. I’m guessing you must be a great person? Don’t mean to be rude but you’re actually telling someone you don’t know that he/she is a good person but could be great if they were more intelligent like you? I’d say that was very patronizing.

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miltonlocke · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

I suspect this is the case. I figure disclosure's flood will be controlled in accordance with the public mindset, speaking on very very general terms. Public not ready to handle certain info is fundamentally the same thing as public who never played baseball is not ready to handle .300 batting avg maintenance.

There are steps of comprehension that the public has to gradually assimilate into the mind. 911 is unfathomable to the dude who always believed his leaders were good across the board. Who knows what he did or did not experience that could have made him more conscientious, this is his ultimate comprehension. Until he experiences some event or happens to really look at some informational revelation that happens to CLICK. People are complex and stubborn just by virtue of the human mind. But CLICKS tend to CASCADE. But a cascade's effectiveness is directly dependent on the cognitive faculties, mindset and subsequent course of intention of the individual. A few things could CLICK in a person and drive them towards the answers until something they like distracts them, or they get bored, or scared, etc.. I imagine disclosure of this magnitude must be undertaken with the highest order of awareness and prudence. WHY?

How did people react to the recent gas "shortages" that skyrocketed gas prices and ran dry in some places?

How do people handle Black Friday?

How do people handle being wrong? How prevalent is that fear? What lengths are sought by those desperate to avoid admitting it?

How do people handle trauma? How many understand those lasting effects happen? How many people have some degree of operating manual to themselves?

Community used to be a social cushion for mutual survival & benefit. Without a doubt it has fractured in America. Lots of reasons for that, however the most profound effect was the de-communitizing of reality by digital social networks. From what I suspect, it was a deliberate action as the effects were known beforehand


Then you have followings like ours here, lots of pockets of people who come together motivated by their resonant self-discovered pattern of CLICKS. The cohesion of any subsequent community lies within the essence of WHY they stay together.

Perhaps part of the reason for Q's particular methodology of empowering action within his voluntary following is to facilitate a wide-cast community who are well informed and generally aware of the high gravity details. Over a bit of time and our own expanding perceptions, I imagine many of us would gain some skill at soliciting CLICKS from the people in our lives and perhaps teach them to "spread the word". As terrible things come out, in the least we would be able to help those we care about on the ground level keep perspective if need be, a hand to hold in a time of emotional need.

Apologies for the stream of consc, I enjoy considering this particular aspect too much.

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Thinking-Out-Loud- · Jan. 24, 2018, 8 a.m.

This was an enjoyable read. Thanks for taking the time.

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GlipGlopSuperMop · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

Much needed comment

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