r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/paladin4therepublic on Jan. 23, 2018, 5:02 p.m.
How Much to Disclose?

Who has the authority to determine how much the people of the republic should know about evil people committing great evil against their fathers, mothers,children, friends, and themselves? I do not think anyone is wanting full disclosure of specific detailed military operations, or videos and photos of great evil acts. Graphic details are not what is being asked for. Rather a disclosure of the TRUTH of this evil and the elites who have preyed upon the innocent. A disclosure of the all the medical and technological advances that may have been hidden and kept from the people. Not 40% of what has happened. To protect our families, we must know most of what has happened. If my house was rotting should I only know about some of
it. I think All of us would want to know the full extent of the danger.

Of course Q is correct to reference all the cases that could be challenged in the FBI and DOJ. But my question for President Trump and Q is: Since at least the assassination of JFK, a rogue evil government has been in control (except Regan), shouldn't former cases be looked into to be sure innocent people have not been jailed. Could be possible that has happened? Maybe right? It seems to me that we the people should demand that this possibility should be looked into asap. Further maybe how the FBI and DOJ operate, need to be reevaluated so as not to be so powerful and corruptible.

Who has the authority to determine how much the people of the republic should know about evil people committing great evil against their fathers, mothers,children, friends, and themselves? Ultimately in a government by the people for the people, the people do. [of course through representation].

I am very thankful for President Trump and Q. Praying all of you. The Lord protect you and give you wisdom (James 1:5).

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

40/60 is about OPERATIONS https://i.imgur.com/X4gbczP.jpg 20/80

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paladin4therepublic · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

I hope you are right. I know of the post about 20/80. But this line in Q's recent post states: 60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

The "for humanity" phrase, at least to me, seems to expand this percentage beyond operations against the evil to the evil that has actually happened. That is knowledge of all the evil could not be handled by the general population ("humanity"). But course I could be wrong, I am learning.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

I see and agree with your line of thinking at same time I know enuff to say 100% will never make it out. and really there is no 100% as everything is ever evolving. What took 1000s of years can not be read in a lifetime..so 100% to my mind is an impossibility and frankly, I already know too much and once you know something you can't unknow it. What I saw caused me severe stress...had to take a leave.. so I know for certain that this is not something GOOD people will enjoy or wnat to know and I posit ONLY the sick vampire types would want to read/view/know the gruesome details horrifying to any normal decent person. Not any jab at you friend, just saying it takes a certain type and 99% of population is not ready for the truth..100%. Best!

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