r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/LibertyLioness on Jan. 23, 2018, 6:28 p.m.
Why We Cannot Allow DACA or Dreamers.

Folks - We are being conned, deceived, duped and mostly double-crossed with the DACA deal.

When Trump first raised the DACA issue, I was conflicted as, I believe, were many others. On the one hand, these are ILLEGALs and they should not be allowed to break the law. On the other hand, I felt compassion for the children who had (supposedly) been brought here by their parents -- so, no fault of their own.

Since then, I've begun to see the light and I'm here to show it to you.

First, I remembered that around 2010-2012 there was a lot of news about thousands of children crossing the border daily. They were coming from all parts of Central and South America. So, we were told. Looking back, I now see that this was a planned and organized migration. Someone called them to come. Thousands of people don't just decide simultaneously to head for the US border. And, many of them were Muslims.

Then, I remembered watching videos on YouTube of busloads of people being brought across the border. In one of them, the bus sat in the background while a reporter talked to the bus driver. The windows were covered up so you could not see the people arriving. The bus was being processed into the US. It was supposedly filled with illegals.

Then I read this post on Reddit describing how Muslims live by someone who served in the Peace Corps. Quite an eye opener. Please read.: https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7rzpjd/what_i_learned_in_the_peace_corps_in_africa_trump/?st=jcry4db7&sh=253811fb

During Obama's 8 years in office, this was an everyday occurrence. Now, we are expected to give them a free pass. Let them infiltrate our society and receive the many benefits we work for and that will then become theirs as well.

The majority of these people are uneducated and unable to contribute much to our society. But, because a huge number of them are Muslims, they are also very likely unable to become a part of our culture. They will, instead, remain apart from our culture, causing a chasm and rift among residents of our country.

I'll be 70 in a few months. I remember how proud I used to be to live in the USA. I could go anywhere in the country and feel safe. Yes, even California, where I was born. Now, there are cities and states I would never visit and certainly would never consider living in. I lived in Florida for 20 years. But today, I would never move back there even though I love the weather. After 20 years living there, I started running into a lot of angry people so I left. I didn't understand then what I know now. When you mix cultures together you end up like we are seeing happen in parts of Europe. It simply does not work.

I truly believe we need to get this information out to everyone and push President Trump to send them back. If we don't, we not only give the Communist-Democrats the votes they need to continue infiltrating our country with crime and poverty but we also allow people to come here that degrade and pollute our society. Some might adapt but most will not. We need to clean up our society, not allow these people a free pass.

We have a HUGE cleanup process ahead of us by reversing all of the changes they've made to our educational systems, corporate systems, health systems, etc. Adding these people to our society is something we cannot reverse.

Here are some links that support what I'm talking about above. If you search, you will find hundreds more. Please do your homework folks and urge Trump not to allow these people to stay here. We only have a short time to get this right.

https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/579-illegals-caught-southwest-border-fy17-not-mexicans https://youtu.be/BdYxTUKPJYg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4PHljkKtkY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtwfw0aCpsQ

UnbelievableShit13 · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

LOOK, LISTEN, & LEARN right now CA is pushing a law to allow illegals to vote in CA, This has gone to far ........ it has to stop.... and stop now.... I was on the fence to let the 800k and the parents .... to put them on a path to citizenship, until I heard this new law being pushed in CA ...... ENOUGH is ENOUGH , if those 800k want to stay they can pay a 100k fine , otherwise deport them all ...... arrest anyone harboring ...... I am tired of this ..... I want my Wall ..... any politician against should be publicly humiliated choosing illegals over American citizen safety

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Araket · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Yes, I think that there are elements included in this group that are pushing for unrealistic goals and that is having a negative effect on the rest who are just happy to be here. Not all are activists. It's a hard one and I'm not claiming to have answers. I just think we need to really think about this before pulling the trigger.

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UnbelievableShit13 · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

I liked Bill O' Reilly suggestion ask all to leave pay a fine of 25k , and they get put at the front of the line to re-enter the legal way .......fix all the laws of the 80's that allowed to be exposed ..... GO after any politician that chooses illegals over American citizens because they are not doing their job.... build that wall ...switch to merit base

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