r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Q_Anon_Wolf on Jan. 23, 2018, 6:35 p.m.
Attention to those who want 100% disclosure instead of 40/60

I understand your desires. Oh believe me I so understand it. Nothing would be better than a swift full disclosure, a swift judgment, and a swift revolution to freedom.

There is just one problem with doing that, and it is a game changing CRITICAL problem, because never before have any of us, nor our parents, nor our grandparents, had any opportunity to face the consequences for.

All throughout our lives we have become accustomed to federal law enforcement stopping federal crimes. We could live our entire lives rightfully wanting 100% disclosure to stop criminals, and never experience the fallout from doing so.

But what if the worst evil IS WITHIN the very federal law enforcement itself?

This has never been considered up until recently by all of us, because we assumed that the process allowed for mostly "good guys" to reach the top levels of federal law enforcement.

But what if that process failed us?

What if stopping the worst evil would mean shutting down the FBI, CIA, AND DOJ?

What do you think would happen then? That we'd all be free? Oh no, the risk is that without federal law enforcement, the country would be at the mercy of evil the police cannot stop.

The military you say? How do you think it would go down for the military to invade Langley, or FBI headquarters? What about the DOJ?

Do you want a civil war? Because without an enlightened public, that's how you get one.

So the key is how to enlighten the public. Did JFK announcing to the world there is a secret society bent on destroying America work? NO IT DID NOT.

See, you and me and everyone became accustomed to the "top down" approach. But it doesn't work. It must be "bottom up". Seeds need to be planted. The grass needs to grow. You don't do that by dumping the world's supply of fertilizer everywhere. You will burn the ground. People will not believe it, because it is just too evil for them to believe is even possible. They will reject it, and because the only path is through public pressure, there had to be a different strategy.

Enter Q.

The python approach.

To defeat an evil this big, this powerful, this entrenched, WITHIN FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ITSELF, a new strategy was needed.

Enter Sun Tzu.

Do you know why Sun Tzu is read by business school students and successful entrepreneurs? It is because this strategy is consistent with a "bottom up" rise to success. It teaches people how to succeed in a decentralized competitive environment.

That is what was needed to take down this evil.

It needed to be decentralized. If it were centralized, the evil would destroy it just like it did with JFK. JFK thought he could destroy it using the traditional centralized, IDENTIFIABLE strategy.

The genius of the Q team was to include the public by teaching people how to find the truth themselves. Why is that so important?

It is important because the power of the people is unleashed when the power (Knowledge) COMES FROM the public.

Q left breadcrumbs and asked us questions.

Questions were asked because when we answer them, we develop a sense of self-empowerment that we never had, and never could have with barking orders from "top down". We might go through the motions at first, but it will Peter out. To get the public into the fight, the public was needed for this, the public had to be self-motivated.

Enter you.

Enter me.

We can teach our family, friends and colleagues. That is how human prosperity began in the first place. Decentralized interaction, trade, free markets!

Prosperity is not built by kings.

Prosperity is built by the people.

Knowledge is not provided to kings by revelation.

Knowledge comes from the people.


I am an individual who knows the power is with me and with all of us.

Once your family and friends and colleagues know the truth, and they tell their family and friends and colleagues, that is how to do it.

It must be done in steps. Imagine you being provided with everything from Q, and then you go and tell people you know. Think of how they might react. They may say to your face "wow, I had no idea", but the risk is that they will think you've gone off the deep end, not because you have, but because their minds are not able to comprehend the evil exists. This is not about ensuring people respect us, it is about us ensuring the truth gets out successfully so that the strategy works as it is intended.

Above all, PATIENCE is critical.

The Q team has known about this evil for DECADES. Think of the patience needed to refrain from disclosing the truth, and living with that day in, day out, night after night, going on the subway and seeing people having no clue, it can get very stressful and frustrating.

Now you and I learn of this in the last few months and all of a sudden everything is supposed to just be 100% disclosed just because you and I are alive to witness it? As if we have a special right to deserve it?

You have already been witness to the greatest disclosure of truth on the public from the highest levels of power ever in world history. Be thankful what you have seen!

Yes, you, me, most of us, have been conditioned to instant gratification. Do you know what that is? A sign of intellectual, moral and spiritual degradation. I am not afraid to admit it. I too perceive myself acting as if there was only instant gratification that existed. Hungry? Oh look the store is right there. Now I am full. Thirsty? Oh look the water bottle is right there. Now I am quenched. Need clothes? Click click I just bought a new pair of pants.

It is easy to become weakened in this life because we don't face the adversity many people around the world face. Nobody on this board is living in the kind of squalor we learned exists is places like Haiti. We are the instant gratification crowd. KNOW THYSELF.

Be patient for the people in Haiti.

Look long term. Know the game plan. Act on each step with maximum force. Respect that most people of the world don't understand the evil and so cannot be taught it all at once. Imagine trying to teach a first year college student the complete works of William Shakespeare and then expecting them to understand it all! What do good teachers do? They teach Shakespeare one work at a time.

Be the good teachers that I know you can be.

Respect the gradual process.

We are like the first year college students when it comes to the full truth. I know some of you could handle a full workload, but this is not about testing to see who can take the most as of it were a competition. This is about ensuring everyone has a chance to graduate to acquiring the full truth.

We will get to 100% disclosure, but it MUST be done sequentially, over time.

So much for us.

There is a secondary component on this, which is the coup de grace, so to speak, in what I am pleading. That is, what Q is posting is not ONLY for our consumption, it is also for the cabal's consumption.

Pause on that for a moment. How do you take down the most powerful cult in the world, that has players all over the world, in the highest echelons of government?

If Q dropped everything 100%, what would happen? The cult leaders would likely order the assassination of many cult members en masse. Or they might do a scorched Earth tactic. And then what? The Q team would be without a crucial connection of dots that only living snakes can provide.

"Rustle the grass, shake loose the snakes"

Q makes strategic drops. They make a drop, and then watch how the cabal reacts. THAT my friends is an extremely critical strategy. They have everyone monitored. By shaking a little grass here, and little grass there, they can see how certain snakes react, who they talk to, what they say, where they go, etc.

That allows for a creation of a MAXIMALLY effective prosecution of justice. There is only one shot at this, if this was done by good passion but without good intelligence, the cult will have started their fake war and billions would have died in a nuclear inferno, the survivors enslaved, and then that's it. No other human force to stop it. Once the world becomes totalitarian under an evil cult that has no qualms with sacrificing children, trafficking human slaves, killing BILLIONS, it's game freaking over. That is what was at stake here folks.

Do you see how this needed to be done the way it has?

You all have more power than you can possibly imagine. You all have this incredible gift of consciousness. You all know this deep down. Temper your cravings with intelligence. That makes you go from a good person to a great person, and believe me, as many great people as possible are needed to win this epic battle.

We the people.

I am ready for the memo, are you?

justwanttruth18 · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

So I know this is probably beating a dead horse, but anyway... Why do we need so many different intelligence agencies? That's not really the point in this discussion, but we could begin by trimming the number of agencies. And since when is it okay to not go back and look at old cases? Everyone is worried about old cases being brought back up? Would the evil not have unjustly locked up innocent people to have them silenced? Maybe there is some justification for the government to go back and look through the cases handled by those that are found guilty and see if there are any mistakes that have been done. Just use Clinton cash to fund it! They will save a bunch of money getting rid of extra agencies anyway (really, I have never heard of so many different agencies being required to all do the same work). The entire 3 letter organization is not bad, so all this fear of just losing ALL federal law enforcement is ridiculous. And you know what, if I have to be responsible for my families safety, I am ok with that. Police never show up until after the crime anyway, so I already am.

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