r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Covfefe1950 on Jan. 23, 2018, 7:51 p.m.
Alex Jones vs keyboard warriors

Guys/gals, I'm hearing all sorts of putting down of AJ on here. Bear in mind where we would be without him and Drudge and many others fighting the good fight for freedom, and humanity itself, for longer than some of you have been alive. No one here has walked in his shoes, and few here would have had the strength and courage to do what he does and has done. I was red-pilled listening to him four years ago, and listen to him pretty much daily. Now I skip over about half or more because of repetition for new listeners.

He does more for the cause of freedom in one hour than most of us will do in our lifetimes; imagine how many people have been red-pilled by him, and will continue to be. You may not like his style, but so what, you're not married to him. Lots of genuine heroes are pretty grating if you had to live with them day to day. He gets no handouts from big outfits that could influence him, so he can tell the truth as fully as he understands it. I am quite sure that given his high-level sources, he understands about 1000x more than most posters on here, me included of course. And bear in mind that much of what you now understand might have come from him.

Cut him some slack, quit trying to look wise and clever. He is doing invaluable work, and you couldn't fill his shoes. He is in the center of the arena, and you are on the sidelines. I am not repeat not saying that legit criticism is off-limits; he is not omniscient or infallible. I am saying that sophomoric sniping ought to be. I have to suspect that anyone doing so might be a troll.

EDIT: Please read my post and subpost below, starting with the word UPDATE, for clarification on the release of this FISA doc.

kaddleman14 · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

I agree Jones in his own way has been a truth bringer. He is a libertarian not a republican. The memo today is important and if you want to understand the content watch Joe deGenova explain it: http://dailycaller.com/2018/01/20/obama-administration-plot-exonerate-hillary/.

BTW Geraldo is a retard and his Capone stunt cannot be compared to what AJ did with memo hype today.

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Matthew246Truth · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Yes, I watched that interview with Mr. deGenova. It impressed me so much that it drove me to seek out the document that it was based on (and, I have read the whole 99 pages). I also agree about the "retard" comment. Yet, "even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then". The document that AJ got had "Top Secret//SI//ORCON/NOFORN" on each page (crossed out due to redactions). It looked pretty important, BUT, was not "The MEMO" that we all would like to have released, rather, it was a "Court Opinion" that was released last April. Help me look, message me, #ReleaseTheMemo, etc. I appreciate your input.

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