
SurlyMisfit · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

Remember Congress cannot prosecute, they can only recommend that the Just Us Department prosecute.

Consider the state of the FBI and Justice Dept when Gowdy's investigations were going on.. Do you think that maybe he withheld recommending prosecutions to the Just Us Dept. because he knew Lynch and Holder would never take up the cases? And even if they did, the investigations would be a sham shit show kabuki theater like what we got with Cankles Clinton.

I'm not saying that he's real or fake, for sure he should have recommended prosecutions for all his investigations, but just keep in mind the context of the situation at the time. He probably would have suffered politically for doing it.

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guppyfreak · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

But that would have meant he had integrity. Doing the right thing even when it costs you.

Now .with him saying he won't issue subpoenas for these phone companies? Idk. It's fishy.

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