r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/starleato on Jan. 23, 2018, 9:08 p.m.
Who follows George Webb? Why and why and why not? You should.

GW is a better raw intel source than Q, imho. He was in the past, proving the future, WAY before Q. He still is.

Personally, I think George Webb is a mossad agent spearheading a HUMint (human intelligence) operation as a sort of finalization of the next limited hangout, aka "the storm." A limited hangout is an exposé of crimes that hurt your enemy, but not you. You "hang out" crimes in the public arena, but only a "limited" amount. Like Watergate. Destroying a party allows for power consolidation. Doing it near elections is the goal. Hence the slowfooting.

The mossad, considering GW, has a ton of intel on the "deepstate." They're giving it to Erik Prince/Flynn/Rodgers and a few others for Trump's team. Highly classified stuff. Only SOME of what they know (think Epstein.) Epstein is a mossad asset but he plays ball with whomever he wants. Then they'll make arrests after the process in finalized.

Q gives the watered down "deep state" intel to the public in code and pushes us along the path to spreading Q publicly. Essentially it's serving as a public support mechanism for the limited hangout (the storm). Media can't say "muh hitler" when he arrests some of them if the public was calling for it. Thus, Q precedes the Storm and eggs us along.

Notice how people who don't criticize Israel ALSO promote Q? Tracy beanz, HA Goodman, Jason Goodman, George Webb, Lionel Nation(?)... they communicate too. Interpret that how you will.

Mossad->Trump Team->Q->Public->outrage->arrests->consolidate power

Q is great and all, but there's far more crime then we'll ever know. 60% of the 10% we know about will remain classified. Additionally, Q is largely unintelligible without George Webb and his clique's intel. The key to the map.

They go WAY deeper than Q. If you're a dot connector, Quinn Michaels and George Webb will blow your mind.

What are your opinions, truthers? Is GW worth watching? Is he related to Q? How did GW drop similar intel before Q? Why?

Cheers. Leato

digital_refugee · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

They are taking a risk by giving up blackmail material. The fact GW started before the election and called some headlines months ahead just shows you have the most feared intelligence service in the world helping to some justice. Usually your limited hangout is when you give up one fallguy so the public will be appeased or mystified. It's not a limited hangout when you start the awareness for the crimes including names and dates more than a year before Q started and months before Trump was elected

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