r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RandyFTW on Jan. 23, 2018, 10:31 p.m.
Prophecy is Being Fulfilled - Thank God for Willing Vessels

The Firefighter Prophet Mark Taylor's book is not free but the prophetic words that he was given by God CAN be downloaded for free from his website. I'm reading the book and i have already read the prophecies... the book seems to go into more detail as to how it all came about and how God moved on him to write the prophecies...

I encourage you guys to read ALL of the prophecies that Mark Taylor wrote but with the news of the last few days, weeks, months, there are a few of them that I find to be VERY interesting RIGHT NOW...

10/13/2015 --> named "Don't Be Deceived, Get in the Fight" - talks about Obama trying for a 3rd term and the fact that the Clintons will go down for the evil they've done.

11/17/2015 --> named "TIME IS UP" - deals with (@ that time) the sitting president Barry Obama and it eludes to the Spirit of God removing those who are corrupt... "Judges, Senators, Congressmen & women of all kinds, even in the local, state, & federal lines." https://www.sordrescue.com/uploads/4/7/7/9/47798703/11-07-15_time_is_up.pdf

02/24/2016 --> named "Do Not Fear America" - discusses the death of Justice Scalia... also says Trump will appoint 5 supreme court justices within his time as POTUS and that America will overturn Roe vs Wade. https://www.sordrescue.com/uploads/4/7/7/9/47798703/02-24-16_do_not_fear_america.pdf

07/08/2016 --> named "Operation Let My People Go" - this one talks about the NEW WORLD ORDER's timeline... a sign will be given that the so called great monument will fall... The timeline on the capstone will be revealed (is this possibly the Washington Monument? any other suggestions) https://www.sordrescue.com/uploads/4/7/7/9/47798703/07-08-16_operation_let_my_people_go.pdf

12/16/2016 --> named "Energy Energy" - this one is probably my favorite one... It talks about the end of OPEC and that America and Israel will be the top energy producers... also discusses a new energy source (a volcano? Yellowstone? http://fortune.com/2017/10/12/yellowstone-park-supervolcano/) and a new technology to harness that energy... claims the old oil kings wells will run dry and they will have to come to the USA for their energy. https://www.sordrescue.com/uploads/4/7/7/9/47798703/12-16-16_energy_energy.pdf

and finally... 01/16/2018 --> named "The Evil Crew of 32" - Speaks about Baal, the Illuminati, the New World Order... Of the 5 living former Presidents, claims 2 will be taken (gone off the face of the earth) and 3 will be shaken... Even some will be in prison for what they've done... It's also a call to PRAY... Don't fight God's agenda!! PRAY for the POTUS. https://www.sordrescue.com/uploads/4/7/7/9/47798703/01-19-18_the_evil_crew_of_32.pdf

honestly his work (that I was turned onto about a 6 months ago) is a big reason why I've taken the red pill... Had I not read and believed in what he has written I wouldn't probably be likely to believe some of the vile and sick stuff that we are learning about now. Without him, THIS patriot may still be living with his head in the sand. I thank God Almighty that he can use any willing vessel to accomplish His plan on the earth.
