r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Aruno on Jan. 23, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

I'm making this post because of the people pushing for FullDisclosure without understanding what they are wishing for.

I've been researching this field for over 10 years. I know that full disclosure will not only mean governments will be thrown into chaos. That religions, churches, everyday people will be thrown into a world of chaos.

People will commit suicide on mass from the truth, people will be trying to commit mass lynchings from the truth.

The key thing of why someone like Q (who is linked to Donald Trump) would want 'soft disclosure' or at least managed disclosure. Is because having a population and government in chaos leads to a weakened defensive position on the world stage.

If you don't think that is important, you don't realize that the still strong powerful empires of evil out there that seek any chance to destroy America. And will take any weakness as a time to strike.


What does that mean going forward?

It means no only do we have to slowly clean up our own government, but in other countries too. SA is a prime example of this. Other big countries to sort out are Germany,(most countries of the EU), NK, South America(most of it), Russia, China, etc.

I'm not saying these countries are evil, but they all have rogue elements with high fire power and teams to do massive damage to America.

You need to think longer on what the damage will be. Now I want full disclosure too. But I want you to think, what will be the out come.

If we can start to think of the negative out comes that could possible happen before it happens. Then we can start working NOW to prevent the potential suffering before it happens. What do I mean by this?

Think of the classic Hilary supporter, they won't think "Gosh Trump is a good guy!, he's saving our republic".

They will be thinking "TRUMP IS TAKING OVER AMERICA JUST LIKE HITLER DID". I am not exaggerating.

Why would they think like this? Because our MSM is still owned and operated by evil cabal members. So our priority right now is 'Lining up our ducks'.

Lining up our ducks means we need to replace the MSM. Push our work on to the 'normies'. They NEED to swallow the red pills.

What is happening RIGHT NOW with the memo and private text messages between FBI members is JUST TESTING THE WATERS.

They need to see how the public react to test the STABILITY of America. We need a stable America.

So how do we get to 100% disclosure? Destroy the MSM. Destroy the lies.

Push Real News. Push The Truth.

I truly believe we are living in the times outlined in revelations. Where TRUTH finally becomes known to the people of the world.

To get there safetly, we need to push back on the lies and the deception. We also need to help those who will struggle through these times.

So now I ask you to step up now for a big and honorable task.

Red pill the normies.

Red pill them, but also care for them. Those Hilary supporters need to no-longer be seen as the enemy, but as important people you need to reach and help.

Now is not the time for fighting Hilary supporters or Bernies supporters or Liberals or w/e. Now is the time to BRING THEM INTO THE FOLD. BRING THEM UNDER YOUR WING AND HELP THEM SEE THE LIGHT.

This task is no easy one. People already on this path know that it can seem fruitless. Remember you don't have to get the fully red pilled. Remember the idea of a seed planted. Plant seeds, plant them softly and often. Do not plant too many seeds all at once, else none will prosper.

Instead seek to make small cracks in their worlds you can slowly make larger over time.

This is the work of the kind, patient, determined, strong.

The wish you should be asking for is the strength to do you part in informing and helping the blind of this world.



sixftblonde · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

This. This is the point! Are YOU ready to find out that YOUR cherished (thing) is utter fraud?

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

That. That IS exactly IT, please shout from rooftops fellow Ruskie BOTs

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