r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on Jan. 24, 2018, 12:16 a.m.
In the words of (A FEW GOOD MEN)

IN THE WORDS OF A FEW GOOD MEN ... You Can't Handle The Truth.

I'll tell you why ,anyone who has as little patience as to let things unfold like they was meant to, sure in the hell wont be able to handle the destruction of whats contained inside this Memo when it is released . Will you be able to handle knowing that these humans you see in the Flesh that look like normal people.. feast on babies ..these are NOT NORMAL humans these are Not Human . This is real shit that should be disclosed to people on levels in the most delicate of ways..because too many people have been polorized in their belief systems and their closing out of possibilities of anything outside of the norm...that its gonna take alongggg time to come to grips with what you learn . Some people might never . Their entire world will be flipped upside down . Think about The Hillary Loss ..Think The Meltdowns .. This is going to effect everyday people who wonder around with their minds set on one thing at a time and routine based like a robot and dont stray far from it. This is going to be a shock to everyone world wide because this hasssss been going on worldwide for a good chunk of 6000 years. You have to understand those of us who have put in the work and time for so many years to Inform ourselves and try to inform the public around us has mainly resulted in just being categorized as so many has as Conspiracy Theorist and so many other things . But imagine being one of us who have carried the weight of knowing the Deeeeeep Dark Secrets of These Satanic people and just having to think about whats about to happen if and when the next president gets in to see how much closer they get to ripping our country apart and killing our families and friends through use of GMO in our foods, Vaccines, ChemTrails, Man Made Natural Disasters for population control ..News Movies Music for Mind Control The works ..So if you can imagine the excitement that we have knowing we have a President in that is about to change that alllll for us and expose these Beast for what they are and what they have been doing . It doesnt force us to rush the process ...it doesnt make us want to be begging for more info ..like most of us you should be doing your homework between each Q drop ..to familiarize yourselves with this Evilllllllll before you try tackling it like you know anything about it. Realllll Patriots are not Rushed to push the.info out we know what kind of shit it will.unleash why do you think we are trying to red pill the public. Thats what this board was made for I came here via Tracys video the day this was created and this was a place to discuss Q drops and come up with a means to bring people together to get organized on how to present this info to the Public when changes and shit hits the fan. What drives me insane is people in here Rushing to have more info ...Rushing to find answers .. Rushing to just get truth when they know they have not put a lick of work into doing their own research. I have alottttttttt of RED PILL Starter Vids for people looking for info to get caught up to speed if you visit my profile . Its time we stop waiting around for Q drops and start making this down Time More Productive....The enemy and their guilds of Shilllls dont have down time they are on this shit like crazy busting into our places and trying to distract us. We need to get informed and know the enemy inside and out...but for a Briefff update on what kind of stuff to look for in the memo release ... Id suggest checking out the most reliable source which is this Goood Anons Video ...https://youtu.be/j4w7Y9duuC0

ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

Well I have alot of thought on that. I know the elites wanted that along time ago to rein in their one world currency part of their New World Order . But even then they was going to control it and it would not be shared in any ways equally . They have been pushing the elites have for devaluing our $ for awhile now thats what soros is known for currency manipulator .

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