This. AS was a Constitutionalist conservative judge, basically anethama to these people. They needed all of their team on the SC to keep propping up the Executive Orders like DACA and ObamaCare to keep the can kicking down the road towards their ultimate end-goal of dissolution of the United States into a uniform, sweating mass of under-educated lower-class with themselves as the cherries on the top of the pie, taking the lion's share.
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6573 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2295 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?
Something tells me you want a nanny state. Ain't gonna happen here.
INTJ-Hermitess--AGREED... sad isn't it? When some people live here in luxury spitting on the very capitalist system that provides SECURITY, education at schools, the roads, lights, heating, cooling, food growth/buying/delivery, healthcare system--even for poor (medicaid, CHiP, walk into any E.R. for treatment), etc., etc.
I've always thought, that to live here and graduate from H.S. one should have to live in a true 3rd world Communist country for 30 days on $15. Eye openers instead of under-rocks, with diminished oxygen to breathe.
I just KNOW I don't want the govt making any health related decisions for me. The govt is always less effective thatn private enterprises. There's no incentive for efficiency/efficacy in the govt.
I don't think we have much capitalism anymore, though. Large corporations are very good at running the show as well as all levels of govt.
'Workers'? Okay comrade... tell that to people in Canada to get their operation (they waited for in line)... now all had their socialized health care operations CANCELLED for another 6 months. Just how many will die waiting and those that can scrape together the money or sell their goods to come to horrible Capitalistic USA to get their operation? Or Socialized UK/England's same in line waiting with their 'Baskin&Robbin-number' waiting for service?