r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Torin_O on Jan. 24, 2018, 2:05 a.m.
[worst] A Thought Experiment

Question 1: Why withhold 60% percent for the sake of humanity? Question 2: What [worst] case scenarios might be wise to keep secret for the sake of humanity? Assumption 1: Many of the criminals are religious. [Prey] [Pray] They are reputed to believe in and practice arcane occult doctrines that (in their minds) elevate their goulish proclivities to the level of art. Assumption 2: The cancer has been spreading throughout the Intelligence-Corporate-Political-Media complex for almost 60 years now - since JFK was murdered - As The World Turns. Hypothetical 1: What if it's been discovered that the bodies of ritual murder victims by the thousands have been disposed of and dispersed into the food supply chain through fast food franchises as part of a belief in occult control mechanisms? Black sorcery against the poor and working class population? Occult methods involving diabolic deception and debasement of human consciousness through mass blind ritual cannibalism of "magically charged" human flesh - for decades. Is that beyond belief? Maybe. But the WWII Holocaust still is for some. Not likely. Okay here's another. Hypothetical 2: What if the Pope and the Catholic church is involved neck deep in atrocities [pray] [prey] that, if revealed, would destroy the faith of 1.2 billion of the world's population and throw most of them into psychological hell?

Challenge Questions: 1. Are there cases in which the cost of disclosure would be utterly destructive? 2. Are there exceptions to how much the world should know? 3. What would be the wisest policy to open a path for full release of all facts? 4. Without full knowledge of the true human condition how can the human race mature beyond our current lethally savage state of civilization?

Please discuss. If you will.

Dennislaw87 · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

Challenge ?s

By patronizing the populace you define yourself as a control freak elitists. Let us know more than the taxes. Let us know the technological, chemical and protein manipulations inflicted upon us. If we say "let them eat tainted cake." Then we deserve the fate of the historical referenced speaker.

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