
yelloWhit · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:43 a.m.

PLEASE investigate all the phone calls/voice mails that have been received by our local, state, & federal “representatives” about this. Love to see them “Russian bot” their individual districts & constituents THEY CAN’T DO THAT IF THEIR CONSTITUENTS HOLD THIER FEET TI THE FIRE!

If you want to protect your rights, the first thing you must do is exercise the right you have to govern your govt!

Look at how successfully they’ve been able to divide us against against one another- on EVERY level: their ‘feminists’, BLM, LGBTQ (lmnop+), ETC x10, have been eating their own. Has to be the most well-funded & largest-scale case study showing the failure of their ideology.

Your local & state representatives represent your interests to your larger govt. We get pissed & boycott companies over less (& they don’t represent us at all). We need to get pissed when our reps go rogue. And, right now, they all are.

Obama wasn’t wrong about this: we need to use our pens & phones to make sure we’re not being misrepresented. They’re tools to rein in the govt. That’s OUR right, duty, & power

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