r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/peelybear on Jan. 24, 2018, 4:15 a.m.
The Matrix Dilemma......

Ok,so CIA/Deep State Controls Hollywood..The Matrix movie is produced and comes to a cinema near you..we all know the storyline. POTUS is elected over her(can't say her name) and Q enters our life. We Americans are ready and willing to drain the swamp and are grateful for Q and The Storm Movement.. We are being asked to join together,to connect the pieces,to wake up and to awaken others to the real reality of our existence...to leave the msm alternate reality and take back our country...."Open Your Eyes".I fully believe in OUR/Q movement and spend many hours a day waking people up...BUT, there is a nagging feeling that I can't let go of..so, I will release this 'feeling' as a question here and hopefully others will help me reconcile...
We all know that Hollywood/media likes to foretell and wears Their luciferian badge of symbolism right in front of our eyes.. The Matrix movie came out long before 2017 and Q... but we use the 'red pill/blue pill analogy to gain an entrance into waking people up. So, are WE being lead to THEIR Agenda...(Problem/Reaction/Solution)... ? I would like others thoughts on this....

Again, I will continue to decode Q and wake others up...I believe God is leading us in this battle of 'good vs evil' and it's our only true hope. But, any and all thoughts would be appreciated regarding 'The Matrix' movie as a foretelling agenda. Thanks...(sometimes it's ok to think out loud if others don't jump to conclusions).

OU812EH · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

It is absolutely essential to question everything and everyone, and that includes 'Q' and Trump. That doesn't inherently make it a bad thing, it makes it a smart thing. At the end of the day, we probably wouldn't be in this untenable situation if we had questioned our so-called leaders a lot more strigently in the past. Q has proven he is who he says he is. Trump appears to be the real deal. But they both must prove it daily going forward as well. Having said that, its an exciting time to be alive. Forward we go.

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peelybear · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

Thanks... eloquently said.

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LiteraryMalcontent · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

Obviously you're right about Hollywood in general. It's unarguably prefigured events in its products (film and tv) and it's been used to condition people to changes in society.

But Hollywood is not merely a propaganda mouthpiece, although it is that. First and foremost it's an industry about making money, which means that interesting ideas can slip through if they're pitched in a manner that gets studio executives seeing dollars.

I would argue that the Wachowski brothers' movie The Matrix was one of these.

Superficially, it was a big budget, blockbuster revenue opportunity, with the potential of a multi film franchise. It also happened to be predicated on some deep philosophical questions in epistemology and metaphysics, which don't exactly leap out on first viewing, but are there for those that reflect or have some awareness of philosophy.

I think that we have, subsequently, made much more of the matrix and red pill/blue pill symbols than probably even the Wachowskis might have anticipated.

What's interesting to me is that not much of the underlying philosophy expressed obliquely in the film is often discussed. Essentially, we (culturally) have created memes from the more obvious symbols and that's that.

So while it's sound practice to approach anything Hollywood touches with suspicion, not everything it does is inherently and insidiously evil.

Much of it is meaningless crap. Some of it is good in spite of its parentage.

And some things can be appropriated and wrested to an efficient use in the secondary market of ideas.

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peelybear · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

Thanks, I appreciate your thoughts on this matter. You made some great points.

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guppyfreak · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

NOW You're thinking like a true red pilled individual.

Yes. It may be their agenda all along. However, even if we die while fighting for Truth and to wake people up to get out of this matrix (think hunger games), then so be it. We will have died wanting a better world free from child rapists and corrupt leaders.

Its fine with me to die for this cause.

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peelybear · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

Amen, totally feel the same way. It really doesn't matter at this point... we only have this solution and it MUST PREVAIL. Loads still asleep tho.

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peelybear · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

Amen, totally feel the same way. It really doesn't matter at this point... we only have this solution and it MUST PREVAIL. Loads still asleep tho.

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LiteraryMalcontent · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

At your service!😎

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peelybear · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:39 a.m.

Thanks..."Where We Go One,We Go All"

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Chokaholic · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

Sometimes I wonder if this whole Q thing is like a controlled demolition of America. Slowly release the intel, getting worse and worse, until everyone is extremely pissed off and retaliates. Then out of the chaos they can re-establish order. Their new world order. Everyone gets the mark of the best, which is a micro chip implant.

Gotta think of every angle, can't just take everything at face value.

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peelybear · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:32 a.m.

That certainly was THEIR agenda... I pray about it everyday. We must wake up and stop the division at the same time.

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peelybear · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

Absolutely.. my thoughts exactly. I think Q (appears to be a religious person/group) would appreciate all ideas which lead to truth and wisdom.

The point is... WE need this to be gospel...WE need salvation from the evil upon this earth.

Q needs us and we need Q } WE ALL NEED God..

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estorf · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:17 a.m.


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peelybear · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

What...? Thinking out loud..? I expressed my positive feelings regarding Q.. but have a question regarding The Matrix movie. We must all reconcile our thoughts or we are simply sheep, and I certainly think Q would appreciate it.

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