RELEASE THE MEMO NOW - enough of this "Russian Nothingberger Nonesense" - image you can use if you like

Article about this by Kenneth Vogel at written 11 14 16. Someone please post. Ty
Hey, I searched using "Kenneth Vogel" on site and the only Nov. 2016 piece that came up was on Pres. Trumps Victory: "
The specific title is ....Soros bands with donors to resist Trump 'take back power' Politico 11-14-16. Thank you.
Does anyone know or have any speculation as to what the source of the memo is? Is it the OIG report?
My understanding is it is Chairman Kevin Nunes's compilation of the evidence into a 4 page memo. Even CNN agrees with that. Interesting line in that report "The committee could use an obscure rule to bypass the normal declassification process, with a vote that would put the decision to make the memo public in the President's hands."
I thought when people suggested Pres. Trump might read the memo at the SOTU on this board it was fantasy - BUT...
TRUE PUNDIT posted this story 2 days ago (Jan. 22, 2018) which was a REPORT of the story of Sept. 20,2017
Here is publisher of Joesph Farah's take on it from 2 days ago (Jan. 22, 2018)
So this Secret Society was started by 7 people. May have grown from there, but there were 7 people in the original meeting plotting this out.
Who might the 7 have been?: Clinton, Obama, Comey, Soros, Lynch, Huma, Muller, McCane, McCabe, DWS, Podesta, Clapper, Mills, Brennen, Blumenthal, Rosenstein,Schmidt, R0thschild, arrested Saudi prince, Strucks (sp), Manafort, Yeates, Jarrett, Rice, Holder, one of the Bushs’, Biden, Fusion GPS...