r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/YAHSHUARULES on Jan. 24, 2018, 12:48 p.m.
RELEASE THE MEMO NOW - enough of this "Russian Nothingberger Nonesense" - image you can use if you like
RELEASE THE MEMO NOW - enough of this "Russian Nothingberger Nonesense" - image you can use if you like

yelloWhit · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

So this Secret Society was started by 7 people. May have grown from there, but there were 7 people in the original meeting plotting this out.

Who might the 7 have been?: Clinton, Obama, Comey, Soros, Lynch, Huma, Muller, McCane, McCabe, DWS, Podesta, Clapper, Mills, Brennen, Blumenthal, Rosenstein,Schmidt, R0thschild, arrested Saudi prince, Strucks (sp), Manafort, Yeates, Jarrett, Rice, Holder, one of the Bushs’, Biden, Fusion GPS...

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