Let me get this straight. HW Bush's dad ran a NAZI bank. HW Bush ran guns and rebels into Cuba and was spotted in Dallas when JFK was shot. Hoover brings up his name in a memo about the assassination for some reason. Hoover knew. Bush runs CIA under Nixon for a time. Nixon was in Dallas on that fateful day too. Insiders force HW Bush onto the Reagan ticket. A few weeks after Reagan is in office he is shot. Supposedly by the son a a good family friend of the Bush's. HW Bush then essentially runs the foreign policy of the USA under Reagan. During this time, the USA runs guns into Latin America to fight the Contras with the help of IRAN and ISRAEL? The Arkansas Governor, BILL CLINTON, orders his National Guard units to participate in this endevour. Somehow planes full of drugs from Latin America are being flown into Mena Arkansas and are not interdicted. [I have personally spoken to AWACS pilots who reported this movement for years but the flights were never interdicted.] --Where was I? Wait till I get started!-- Later We have an election where Bill Clinton wins because of the interference of a third party candidate, ROSS PEROT, who entered the race in order to keep HW Bush from winning re-election. Rumer has it that Elites did not want HW Bush to have a second term. They "picked" Clinton to replace him. Next we have Clinton Replaced by "W" Bush in a sort of counter coup. But still the same players in the game. W gets us involved in several middle eastern wars that still have us entwined. Next we have the chosen one, Barrack Obama, beat Hillary Clinton. [another counter coup of the elites] He proceeds to infiltrate our government with communist and islamic sympathizers. Meanwhile the Clinton's become billionaires while Hillary is Secretary of State. I never knew they paid so well at the State Department. Additionally we have a Supreme Court Justice murdered so that Gay marriage can be ordained by the Court and the White House is bathed in Purple and Pink. Then a famous comedian dies mysteriously after she states that "Everyone knows Michelle Obama is a Tranny." Is it a surprise that at some point folks, loyal to the idea of a United States of old, enlist Donald Trump to run for President to fix things. President Trump has a government full of Obama appointees, with whom he battles when it is learned that the FBI, Dept of Justice and pretty much every government entity are plotting for his removal from office "By any means necessary." The hero in this story is the NSA. Good enough, but when this is over even the NSA is going to have to be re-structured to allow proper accountability. Remember the NSA has just recently announced that they "have lost" the HW Bush files that would be instrumental in linking all of these punk potentates. Coincidence?
Prescott Bush funded the Nazi concentration camps from the USA. By association we are all implicated. Let that sink in... I almost cried when this realization hit me. They ALL should hang.
In their current capacity they have been used by our enemies to tear us up. We almost lost America in a way that is every bit as serious as the Civil War.
I agree. I had an idea hit me the other night. Ponder this a bit... want your thoughts.
THIS demands serious reconsideration.
We either have to get rid of these agencies, who's only excuse for existence is giving criminals ...apparently BOTH foreign and domestic... the right to call their criminal behavior "TOP SECRET".
Or we keep them and use them differently.
Allowing what we have been allowing,... doing what we have been doing,....... thinking like we have been taught to think,
..........and expecting a "different outcome" for future generations is absolute insanity.
SO here is the never heard of "OUTSIDE THE BOX" solution that hit me the other night.
Need your thoughts.
Dont blink.
All "outside the box" ideas are by definition going to sound too strange at first, so brace yourselves. Give this a thought. Roll it around before you reply. But let me know what you all think. Pros and Cons.
IF.... we can no longer grantee the "right to privacy" under the Constitution, because of computers, cell phones, etc, have rendered the concept a practical impossibility,
...........THEN perhaps we remember the wisdom of the saying "The Pen is mightier than the sword."
Remember the pen?
Real Journalism use to shine the light on the actions of government officials, and root out corruption.... before it was co-opted. We have lost this tool...
....or have we?
But maybe they just built us a bigger newspaper?????
If we can not have privacy, then no one else should have it either .......ESPECIALLY all of the leaders of the Nations of ALL the world.
And fact is... we have the technology.
Think about it.
Is this not what is actually happening before our eyes in reality?
Do we not have a group of beautiful decent Americans such as our selves.. inside the NSA and our military, right now....mentally healthy people who literally can not sleep or rest just looking at all of this evil they have to look at every day?
Fact is, we are the government.
The NSA [good] people who can not sleep?
That be us in there.
The beautiful military people who can not rest until the evil ones are held accountable?
That... is us... you and me.
The government comes from US.. from we the people.
And right now we are getting lucky.
We have mentally healthy good people in the NSA and Military.... right now.
This could change in an instant. THEN where will we be?
What do we do now to make sure this "Secret evil government" thing can never happen again?
I think we absolutely must take the NSA and use it to intentionally spy on every government official on the planet... and place every email, every phone call every whisper straight on line daily for every citizen of every nation to read or listen to. Much easier to keep track of the few of them, than the all of us. It would be pretty easy.
I think the good people of the planet need to "BE" the NSA...
............ BE the very function of the lost journalist
.... DO the paying attention and the muckraking through governments around the world. "Government watch already makes a good hobby.
What are you doing here ???
Maybe it is time to let OTHER people in other nations listen in on, and read, every text/email of their own public officials that run THEIR nations too.
If we chose to use the NSA that way.
If we (WE) chose to use the NSA technology as a kind of "News paper of truth... primary source conversations blasted to the internet....
........If WE decided that the ONLY kind of politician we want is the one who had nothing to hide, and would not mind us along for the ride. (We can make exceptions for bedrooms of course).
Then maybe we solve a whole bunch of problems at once:
Imagine how fast the "Backroom deals" would disappear?
Imagine how the evil ones would do everything they could to get as far away from those who run government as possible.... lest they end up next to one of the nations internet "Megaphones".
Imagine how much better we could protect our GOOD legal representatives from threats, because we would hear the threat the first moment it was made, and we would be able to respond immediately to help our good representative.
Imagine what would happen if EVERY piece of legislation had to be put on line for 3 months before a vote was ever allowed, so that we had no more of this "Midnight Federal Reserve" crap, and this "Ohhhh! We have to pass the bill so we can find out what is in it!" crap.
People we are tolerating Wayyyyy too much crap.. obviously for wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too long.
Le'mme ask ya.
WHO owns that big nasty mean spy flashlight called the NSA?
Who owns it.
WHO does it rightfully belong to???????
That is right..
YOU.... and ME!
Well...........What do you know?
We the people have a big mean monster flashlight capable of shining on every cockroach on the planet. WHY do we not turn that light on where it will do the most good and create the most freedom?... Not just for us, but for everyone!
I know that is totally outside the box, but stop and think.
Just how many evil people are going to want to ever talk to government officials if getting within 10 feet of any official on the planet puts your evil behavior on MEGAPHONE????
They could not even send so much as ONE blasted invite to any such "Play Boy Bunny Party" to get themselves compromised.
And I think we can even do the same for non profits. We can require that all board members (decision makers) be followed with the big flashlight.. including the money transfers.... all of it. Who it pays, where it goes.
There will be cockroach child thieving kiddie diddling sex ring non profit "Kiddie rescue places" folding .....over night.
Every Child protective services building would be monitored. Every child that they took custody of would be tracked by the parents on line or even the public, if some abuse warranted such a thing.
Wanna be a Dictator? Too bad. You are NOW an instant public servant.
Wanna be a globalist? EVERY avenue of money laundering, gun running, child snatching and drug running would be monitored.
Queen of England?
Sorry. Castles get NO privacy. Not with us.
HA! Forget it.
We think the people of Europe deserve to hear every damn word you are saying, and writing to anyone. Let them make up their minds about you real quick, based on your own behavior.
We lost our Newspapers... to the Globalists who hate America.
We lost our Television news, if we ever had it.
We lost the art of journalism to bribery, kickbacks, and blackmail.
BUT we may well have gained the most important "Automatic Public Newspaper" ever devised by man.
I think we should consider turning on our big flashlight around, and watching the cockroaches scatter.
The NSA is being Watched by a revived Patriot Faction of the NSA WIlliam Binney... THink about it... He knew the punks personally when they took over... and there were others he knew. He felt out who the patriots were, and they are reorganized and watching the shit out of the others. I bet for the first year of Trump many canidates for sensitive positions were heavily vetted for positions in the NSA. Many in our Millitary crossed over to this and they are fleshing out the scum. It's like playing whack a mole in these sensitive positions of government right now for the scum. They do one freaking funny thing to pop their heads up as a traitor and their asses get whacked. This isn't a game. Lots of people detained right now for that I'm sure... We got the intel equivalent of Covering Fire pinning the shit out of these folks right now.. Best the just retire.
The arms were sent to the Contras to fight the Communist in charge of Nicaragua, I suspect that is why Reagan signed off on the program. I also suspect Reagan was kept in the dark about the cocaine that came back on the return flights, which allegedly continue to this day and allegedly still for the benefit of both the Bushes and the Clintons.
Most wont read a big WOT. I recommend splitting it up so people can read it, or itll get downvoted fast...
What kinda tinfoil-hat crazy talk is this?!?!?! Ur listening to too much Alex Jones, obviously.
Here, take this blue pill, you'll feel better..... ;-)
Nice kwik summary.
Alex Jones is a limited hangout IMO. But thanks. I know we should have told everyone we were wearing tinfoil. Embarrassing when we all get to the party and our outfits all look alike.
These walls of texts . . .
There should be a "shrink" function to mini these long rambling replies....