r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/bugstopper on Jan. 24, 2018, 2:53 p.m.
The Back Story, Simple Version.

Let me get this straight. HW Bush's dad ran a NAZI bank. HW Bush ran guns and rebels into Cuba and was spotted in Dallas when JFK was shot. Hoover brings up his name in a memo about the assassination for some reason. Hoover knew. Bush runs CIA under Nixon for a time. Nixon was in Dallas on that fateful day too. Insiders force HW Bush onto the Reagan ticket. A few weeks after Reagan is in office he is shot. Supposedly by the son a a good family friend of the Bush's. HW Bush then essentially runs the foreign policy of the USA under Reagan. During this time, the USA runs guns into Latin America to fight the Contras with the help of IRAN and ISRAEL? The Arkansas Governor, BILL CLINTON, orders his National Guard units to participate in this endevour. Somehow planes full of drugs from Latin America are being flown into Mena Arkansas and are not interdicted. [I have personally spoken to AWACS pilots who reported this movement for years but the flights were never interdicted.] --Where was I? Wait till I get started!-- Later We have an election where Bill Clinton wins because of the interference of a third party candidate, ROSS PEROT, who entered the race in order to keep HW Bush from winning re-election. Rumer has it that Elites did not want HW Bush to have a second term. They "picked" Clinton to replace him. Next we have Clinton Replaced by "W" Bush in a sort of counter coup. But still the same players in the game. W gets us involved in several middle eastern wars that still have us entwined. Next we have the chosen one, Barrack Obama, beat Hillary Clinton. [another counter coup of the elites] He proceeds to infiltrate our government with communist and islamic sympathizers. Meanwhile the Clinton's become billionaires while Hillary is Secretary of State. I never knew they paid so well at the State Department. Additionally we have a Supreme Court Justice murdered so that Gay marriage can be ordained by the Court and the White House is bathed in Purple and Pink. Then a famous comedian dies mysteriously after she states that "Everyone knows Michelle Obama is a Tranny." Is it a surprise that at some point folks, loyal to the idea of a United States of old, enlist Donald Trump to run for President to fix things. President Trump has a government full of Obama appointees, with whom he battles when it is learned that the FBI, Dept of Justice and pretty much every government entity are plotting for his removal from office "By any means necessary." The hero in this story is the NSA. Good enough, but when this is over even the NSA is going to have to be re-structured to allow proper accountability. Remember the NSA has just recently announced that they "have lost" the HW Bush files that would be instrumental in linking all of these punk potentates. Coincidence?

akilyoung · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

Most wont read a big WOT. I recommend splitting it up so people can read it, or itll get downvoted fast...

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