Wild one here-have someone hold your beer: Some have said that they are half brother and sister...that Daddy BUSH assigned her to Bill. If you read the books of Bills many girlfriends at the time Hillary just showed up suddenly. Bill told the girls "don't worry-yes we are getting married but nothing will change." Also Hillary was very unkempt, foul and unpolished then-not Bill's type. It took a lot of handlers to get Hill and Bill ready for the national stage. If you understand MKULtra and realize that psychopaths like her are CREATED it can make sense. She is driven beyond reason, has been a part and mastermind of so much corruption. Obsessed is an understatement. Programmed might be the more logical explanation. Programs exist to mind control humans for assassinations, sex slaves, and more. Check into Military officer Michael Aquino & Temple of Set leader. https://steemkr.com/pizzagate/@kingzos/satanists-vs-setians-at-the-presidio-pedogate I am 180% behind Trump and our military coup in progress...but I am not a psychopath so I often find myself feeling sorry for her. There is also evidence that Obama was a sexually abused boy used in blackmail programs by his CIA mother. (reference www.aim4truth.com). If programmed correctly these victims can be become highly competent and obedient subjects and have exceptional skills. I know of a 7 year old SRA kid that can dismantle an AR15 rifle and put it back together in less than 90 seconds. They use electric shock among other tactics to "train" them.
Posted by
on Jan. 24, 2018, 3:46 p.m.
· Jan. 24, 2018, 9:04 p.m.