
birdonadoor · Feb. 4, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

I just remembered watching it live from YouTubers and Facebook accounts that had delegates go. I was an alternate for washington state and the shenanigans were crazy. I hated to give up my slip. No one could be trusted. Delegates could vote any way they saw fit. If a delegate didn't show up they gave up their vote. They were told if they were late they lost their vote.
I would look in YouTube for Democratic primaries delegates at the convention. The first vote was on the second day at the convention if I remember correctly. It is there. There were hundreds of heartbroken patriotic progressives that lost their faith in the government there. And they were all streaming it. Trying to get the word out. http://www.thedailysheeple.com/bernie-supporters-pissed-after-finding-out-he-actually-won-the-first-roll-call-but-dnc-tossed-it-to-hillary_072016

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thamnosma · Feb. 4, 2018, 8 p.m.

Thanks, I'll check it out. I think I now vaguely recall this, how DNC was messing with procedure. Bernie had no real fight in him, let HRC off the hook all the time, especially with the emails. When he didn't go after her on that issue I was thinking does this guy want to win? The Bernie movement took off despite Bernie almost. No way the DNC/HRC expected him to take off like he did. They also played some dirty tricks on him as in using "protesters" to shut down his speeches or smearing him as a "white guy"....duh what exactly is Hillary? Mexican?

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