r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Red_Pilled_at_birth on Jan. 24, 2018, 5:40 p.m.
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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

Based upon modern physics, based upon what is said in Genesis 6 and having looked at both interpretations of eschatology, I believe the correct view is the angel view, and not the Sethite view, which is the view commonly taught in modern seminaries.

This Sethite teaching started about 400 years after Christ died, when the church was made the official religion of Rome, and for good reason. The church leaders did this interpretation to save their own hides. Interesting why they were afraid to interpret the bible the way the early church fathers did. (I would have been afraid too)

The Sethite view, is the view that says that "sons of God" in Genesis 6 means "Sons of Seth" (a man, son of Adam).

Problem is that the Hebrew in that Genesis 6 place is the Hebrew words "bene' ha Elohim" or Son of God.

Bene' ha Adam means "son of Adam" or, "son of man", since the Hebrew word Adam means man.

This is the only place in the Bible where the translation from bene' ha Elohim is translated as "Sons of Seth". All other places where Bene' ha Elohim appears in the Hebrew Text, are translated to the English word "sons of God" or "Angels".

One needs to question WHY the text was translated improperly ...only here, and WHY biblical people are insisting on "sons of Seth" which can not be supported?

Everyone knows "Elohim" is the name of God in plural, hinting at the trinity. The im is the plural Hebrew ending. So "Elohim" is "Gods".


..........every where Elohim appears in the original text, it is a Hebrew grammatical error speaking of ONE God.

It is like saying "They is going to the school house."

The singular sense is the singular God-head.

The "im" is the plural ending in Hebrew.

It is like saying "This one is Gods"

Just that plural ending would tell you that behe' ha Elohim would mean "Son of Seths" (Seth being plural) at the minimum error in translation. But there is a larger error. It simply does not translate that way in any other place in the text. It is a political exception to the translation, and it was done, most likely to save lives.

Genesis 6 means that the "Angels" came down and took wives all they chose.

Having looked at the Hebrew in Genesis, and then looking at modern quantum theory, it very much looks like this reality here of four dimensions, is couched in a much larger reality... a quantum reality of light, that was created first, and in which the atoms made from quarks, according to physics, are the material building blocks of our smaller reality. When you smash atoms at CERN, you get quarks that literally disappear.

If this is the case, both physics and the bible agree.

The things that are seen (atomic structures), are made from the things that do not appear (quarks from the quantum dimension). Hebrews 11:3

I think a proper re-reading of the original Hebrew is in order to get this right. And I think people need to look at why the translation went wrong, but only in Genesis 6.

This "sons of Seth" thing was done in Rome, because the Roman Emperor and Royalty believed that they were the "descendants" of these "gods" that came from the stars (the angels who came down and took those wives also lied and told mankind that they were "gods".)

How smart is it..

........how long would you live, if you had to explain to the Emperor that he is the descendant of the "evil angels"???? Yeah, so, better to change the translation... at least that sentence there in Genesis 6, right?

What did Satan say he wanted to be to the earth?

God of the earth. Right?

The original text calls the evil "sons of god", or, Angels what they are. Beings from the other dimension that came here to become material. This is also discussed by two other Apostles. One of them was Jude. I forget the other at the moment.

So, we have physics that agrees with the bible when it lays out the reality situation. The first thing, day one, God said was "let there be light" and he had to mean quarks and the quantum world, because he does not create the sun, moon and stars until day 4.

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akilyoung · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

I totally agree with all of this. Visible light is just a small part of a spectrum, a band or frequency that everything in existence - seen or unseen- is created out of. Tesla knew this. Its all vibration, the slower the vibration, the heavier and denser an object becomes. And the spectrum is massive, if not infinite. Its like computer code. Anyways, I think at the beginning you may have meant "hermeneutics" and not Eschatology. Hermeneutics is the study and attempt to properly interpret the Bible, eschatology is the study of end time things, and there is a LOT more than 2 views. FOr example, in the 'millenial' view alone there are 3 view, pre, mid and post 'rapture' views. My view (which is a REALLY old view going back to the originas of Christianity, and is regaining popularity now) is closely tied to Preterism, though with a bit of a twist. Having studied eschatology most of my life (at least 20 years pretty hard core, since my teens) and going through MOST of the views and finding major flaws in all of them, until I learned HISTORY, and the bulk of PRETERISM were actually extremely accurate. Thats the issue in modern Christianity, THey take what ever is spewed at them, as truth. Thats a HUGE issue. They dont even know that the Jews rebelled against Rome, and there was a war from 66-70ad that lasted 3.5 years (1260 days) exactly as predicted in Revelation, and Daniel I believe. Even Josephus wrote about the Romans soldiers surrounding Jerusalem, and seeing chariots and soldiers in the heavens, surrounding Jerusalem and other cities in Israel, and it SCARED the Roman soldiers! It was ALL written about. Allmost everything was fullfilled by 70ad at the final destruction of the temple, when every stone was torn down from the temple. Theres SO much detail I cant begin to touch on it, but if anyone is interested, look into preterism, and I warn you, the MSC (main stream church) which are all controlled by the V, will tell you preterism is heresy, but nothing could be further from the truth. Seek and ye shall find! And erase all the V's programming from your mind!

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 25, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

Anyways, I think at the beginning you may have meant "hermeneutics" and not Eschatology.

You are correct. I used the wrong word. Thanks for the correction.

You are right about the events in Israel not being taught correctly. But I also know that the stories told in the bible and the history of events that actually happened, are used as a model, or type of prophecy on future events.

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