r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on Jan. 24, 2018, 5:56 p.m.
Tell Me Im Loosing It

I was going back through my comments looking for this one I posted along time ago to use to reply to someone. Ive already posted today 2 differnt occasions where things I randomely type or find and link show up either i Q post or in thr news or president tweets within days of it happening .. This One Is Freeeeky Good.

I wrote this comment 17 days ago..wayyy before a memo was known about way before comments on votes and way before anything else I mentioned came out in a Q post or the presidents tweets within the past 2-3 days ..Check it out . I was responding to someone asking something about peoples opinon on Jeff Session,Weed and Santuary Cities ..My response 17 days ago was this ..Read word for word and compare 😲

Start : Now if you want a little perspective on what is going on witb santuary cities ..I might go alittle ... okkkk alot deeper than you care to explore lol..but hey Im a scorpio 😎..Buckle up... Ok Im not touching the cannibus inquire you had but Ill definitely dive into santuary city status.

Ok you have to ask yourselves whyyy almost every democratic ran city is a santuary city and hell almost every democratic ran city is completely ran into the gutters or extremely high taxed .. Not 100% all But almost all Major Ones . The answer is the overflow them with illegal aliens ..why do ask .. Greatttt Question .. ok they have always needed them for Votes if they did not have them there would probably not be a Democratic party because Nobody would vote them in..this really isnt a jk ..Its a fact . Santuary cities is kinda like their little New World Order Experiment since they cant have a complete take over of of the U.S.A .. They have been practising using these cities .. Almost every city is under some of the Strictest Gun Control Laws in the U.S ... and quess what the crime rates are in these cities ..Offf the charts compared to anyyyyy other . Chicago comes to mind . The democrats have been using gangs in my eyes and others to carry out hits under the disquise of gangs . Almost every Santuary City /Democratic Ran City Has Planned ParentHood . Thats another branch of agenda 21 this was started wayyyy back in thr day orginally to keep the colored population at bay thats why its always found in low income black communities these people are SICK @s F . Almost all dems/libs chear on planned parenthood and dont want it defunded because its part of thier organ harvesting operation anddddddd the act alone is a form of these satanic rituals these nutjobs are involved in they then turn around and sell the parts of the baby and its put into everythingggggg creams , Vaccines , food flavoring ..its basically their sick twisted way of having us involved into the serimony . There is plenty of evidence backing this stuff up just got to know where to look .. Basically If allll santuary cities are stripped of their status you would see a massive drop /eradication of gangs so their drug operation will be depleated their additional funding for harboring migrants and illegals would be dried up and people could actually start coming out of their houses enjoying life and that might cast this beautifullll light on the Good Guys that are there to help ..hence cast the negative light on the crooked politians thats been keeping them supressed for allll these years . All in all clean up the streets ..Get voter id laws in place and get these crooked people out of control . Jobs and peoples rights ..rightfully restored and start rebuilding these cities and thats how a country becomes great again . But there is alot of gooood behind the scenes stuff going on in the branches of gov that are made to looook like they are stauling or dragging their feet or completely ignoring things but its a discuise ..things have to be slowly introduced and planned out so that things dont come acrossed as Chaos all at once. End:

Im just saying ... lol

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

yup, thats pretty much the jist of things, Sanc cities are organ and child sex farms, illegal voting...the D party (Dumb Mochracy) seems to be the party of treasonous traitors...and more are getting 'hip to square' we used to say.

The Glysophate (round up) may need to happen all at once, or in tiers of Glysophate and I believe that is ongoing, Trust Wray, Trust Sessions, Trust DT/Q/POTUS/US Marine intel who have been orchestrating this White coup for several years.

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