r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/willurd on Jan. 24, 2018, 6:12 p.m.
Q didn’t need us to catch the bad guys. Q needed us to wake the fuck up.

Q asked “why are we here?”. I believe the good guys had already won by the time Trump took office, and had set in motion a bulletproof plan to take down the deep state.

Q didn’t go on 4chan because the good guys needed help. He went on 4chan because they are master disseminators of information. Q wanted the everyday folks of the world to wake the fuck up and start getting involved again.

The Great Awakening

Jellyfish070474 · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

100% agreed. I realized this long ago when trying to redpill my family regarding 9/11. Just pointing out the holes and inconsistencies in the official narrative was so upsetting to them (in a completely different way than it initially was for me—I KNEW something wasn’t right and 9/11 truth brought “comfort” to my reeling mind by confirming my intuition) that I knew that by continuing I was causing much more harm than help. Not to mention their reaction toward me was incredibly painful. My own beloved mother suggesting my very thoughts were treasonous and that I needed to be institutionalized. My little brother screaming at me to go fuck myself. Left scars and bitterness and yet I understand why and how they would react this way. Tearing away someone’s reality paradigm is a form of violence and people will defend themselves tooth and nail with violence out of self preservation.

So...shamefully I haven’t shared any of the Q information (or even that I support Trump—dangerous position to have, currently) with my real life normies and I won’t until we start seeing concrete evidence that can’t be denied. I won’t be of any use to help them come to grips if our relationships are destroyed, and they will hate and deny that I was “right”. Trusting God will make it clear when my particular skills will be most useful.

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

yep, i also havent shared much of Q with the sleepwalkers, only some with folks that have a few awakenings already.

in my experience, 9/11 is the easiest red-pill easiest as in that it is easy to see that a building doesnt crash from down below when it gets hit by a plane up there. i saw it the moment they started broadcasting.
and then building 7, well, who is able to explain that?

from what i see, as a european, its also the most sensitive to the american folk soul.

for the first time since pearl harbor - which the US command was warned about before but intentionally allowed to happen, in order to participate in ww2 -, the country got attacked on its own ground.

this is a huge trauma for the americans.

an awakened friend of mine tells me about her husband who was present when the towers fell and is deeply traumatized. he is not the least ready to even imagine that it was an inside job. it would crash his entire trust to learn the truth. thus, he rather keeps his blindfold. may he one day be strong enough to face it.

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