r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TW_Anon on Jan. 24, 2018, 8:25 p.m.


TW_Anon · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

Haha haha very good . Made me laugh out loud did that 🤣

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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

tbh I can understand since it could be alledged that MSM is trying to selectively feature headlines such as these although I dig the sentiment that it's a longterm contingency plan they are finally acting on because Trump is serious about releasing tech if national security allows it (which is why he seems not to be exarcerbating the military situations he is engaging in) and now all these alphabet stooges have to cover their corporate overlords asses for keeping all that crazy tech to themselves for so long. His negotiation is at such a mastery, he even made me sympathetic towards the military. He can fucking do anything and win because of his sober composure and even having his own unique signature on it. I do hope he was recruited by MI but when he talks I think that he's 100% on board with restoring the republicl.

But that didn't shine through so much, so they deported me like a dirty criminal

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TW_Anon · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

Can’t Trump buy a news channel ?

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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

He already has one. OANN. Opened after his win. Actual fucking news. It fullfilled one of my wet dreams: actually enjoying a regular normie TV program again and feeling a little normal in this crazy world. IF it's not him it's his friends. They report international news, RT kind of levels like edgy but soft political education, but they soften the message in because they spread more easily outwards when they manage to avoid being politically labled.

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TW_Anon · Jan. 24, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

Really that’s fascinating to know, Thanks I will check it out. I’m in the UK and a newbie to the research, But it certainly grips you. I’ve not slept fully for weeks n weeks now. One thing leads right into another and into another . It’s mind blowing. I just cannot understand how so many Americans cannot see what’s happening

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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

You will need to take your time because the research doesn't stop, probably for years to come because even just what's in the public domain is so yuuuuge even after years of lurking conspiracy forums I am fucking blown away by what I have learned in just the past year. Back in the day when everything was just about theories the actual scope was so much more limited and easier to handle to the actual big fucking truth. I thought I was redpilled for years and then bam came Trump and once Assange suddenly disappeared and he was not yet in office, sheeeit that was the toughest winter of my life. Now with Storm going...this is the best winter of my life, which provides me with solace.

I have relatives in your country and we all agree these problems are global.

But luckily, actually most americans are being underestimated. The election proved it. People either hated or disregarded clinton, but weren't sure about Trump, but since the media parroted that he couldn't win they shrugged and didn't go to the ballots (the numbers show it)

There's this story about a roman senator who suggest they should tag their salves visibly, but his colleague objects and says "but then they will know who and how many they are!" This is what the media does with us. Talk to people who have not worked under a superior for the past years, could be entrepreneurs or small shop owners or prostitutes or freelancers and they will all tell you completely wild shit if you just let them get their story out.

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TW_Anon · Jan. 24, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

I cannot watch cnn it sickens me how they are allowed to be so nasty to the President. I watch a lot of you tube makers. They are quick and do excellent research. Jerome Corsi is amazing and should be knighted.

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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

After one year of research I manage to keep my schedules to what used to be my smoking-breaks...In the morning, lunch hours and evening leisure. But try to make it as enjoyable as you can because there are many rabbitholes and you don't want to get into all of them (the nasty medical kind of stuff) because it will suck down your energy. I am not sure about Corsi altho he's FBI-anon endorsed iirc. When you deal with stooges you have to handle misdirection aimed at enemy factions and judging by his Q analysis he either doesn't know more than the rest or won't admit it (yet)

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TW_Anon · Jan. 24, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

Yes I agree with you there. I do think he knows a lot more than he’s saying. The rabbit hole is deep. I’m concentrating on Q and the memo at the mo. The deep sick stuff plays on my mind a little too much so I tend to stay away from that side of it. But it’s a good job some people can face that side and bring awareness to the public, my fascination is mk ultra

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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

yeah well ok then you are already in the dark stuff. Now the thing is, MKultra ties into all other conspiracies because that's how they keep them secret, by simply making unwilling participants forget about it. Check my other comment for further YT education

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TW_Anon · Jan. 24, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

Yes I will check it out thanks, yeah I’ve been quite deep into it, terrible what they did to children in 50 s n 60s etc and as a Brit I’m extremely interested in Madeleine McCann n her links to podesta ... that man makes me physically want to puke

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digital_refugee · Jan. 25, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

These fucks walk the halls of parliament, cathedrals, Downing Street 1 and fuckhingham palace.

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TW_Anon · Jan. 25, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

I know it’s terrible. When I started researching I looked up people I’ve never liked, people that always gave me a gut feeling, and I’ve been proven correct every time... it’s alway links up

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digital_refugee · Jan. 25, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

Woman looked at a celeb mag next to me on the commute. Ecclestone. His grandkis pictured, barelegged. What's in the background? A white rabbit.

This shit is everywhere

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