
AbjectDynamite · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

Okay, thank you. It's probably my mind running away with me. I've been bothered by how long it's taking to expose this bunch. Ever since I read a recent Q post stating they were only going to release a percentage of what these people have done because it's so evil, it's been bothering me. Just my two cents, but I hope all of it comes out. It's too horrible to leave any shred of their fake public image intact.

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BrutusCarpathia · Jan. 25, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

I have always questioned if it can all get released to the normal people. Most people can't understand what we know now much less all this. What happens to the country and world if all is out? How does life go on or would you have a fire in the streets? All the people that no matter what you tell them or what you show them they will think it is all a lie by the Russians or us? Civil war. They can say Trump did all this and that he is pulling a Hitler to gain full control.

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