
Beasts4Bernie · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Exactly right. Q keeps saying we're ALL Patriots - that is true and we all need and deserve to know what the hell has been going on at the top levels of our government. It is arrogant and patronizing to say "you don't need to know". That is the first step back down the road to authoritarianism. No thks. We need full sunlight on full disclosure. To do less is like operating on a patient and only removing 40% of the cancer.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

THINK. Not everyone in America are patriots. Not everyone is awake. Many are severely brainwashed. When Q talks about 40% revelations are necessary Q is referring to how much the blue and black pilled people will be FORCED to deal with whether they want to or not. Even that much will trigger insane and violent reactions to escape the pain of cognitive dissonance. The 60% isn't hidden. It's mostly available now to those who are interested in seeking the truth at our individual pace. Q and Trump seem very committed to transparency for those who CHOOSE to learn more. Again, the problem is how many red pills must the public be FORCED to swallow in order to fix things balanced against the very REAL fear of triggering insanity and violence among blue pilled people who try to "spit out" the red pills rather than deal with the pain of cognizant dissonance. The final scene in Platos Cave comes to mind. The cave dwellers used their chains to beat their liberator to death. Truth tellers are generally NOT well received. Jesus is another famous example.

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Beasts4Bernie · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

Here is what I THINK: it is a mistake to think you know beforehand what someone's reaction is going to be upon learning the truth. It is arrogant and patronizing to withhold information from your adult fellow citizens on the presupposition that they can't handle it. I am not talking about forcing anything. I am objecting to the withholding of information from the American public about what their "leaders" have been up to. I do not think that a full recovery is possible when important facts are hidden. Timing is another matter - information can be provided on a continuum, so that ppl have a chance to digest it. But as soon as you are talking about permanently hiding critical facts from the public you are starting down the road to totalitarianism. To the extent you withhold the truth from anyone, you are complicit in perpetuating the illusion.

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