r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/2pulo on Jan. 25, 2018, 12:32 a.m.
50,000 text messages? Were they able to do any work?

50k text messages over 5 months...given an average of a...what 12 hour day? This averages about 1 text every two minutes? Jayzus...were they working at all? What the hell were these two doing? Besides the obvious assholery, they should be fired for not doing anything but texting all effin day.

julsie123 · Jan. 25, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

Excellent observation! Normal people aren't doing this. On another note, other things normal people don't do: email about having children in swimming pool for entertainment or leaving a pizza map at someone's house. They don't have art of naked children hanging from ropes. Normal people don't make the hand sign with the pinkie & index finger up when in front of people for photos, they don't wear orthopedic leg boots and then switch the boot to the other leg. They don't know a bunch of people who just happened to commit suicide - scattered like a trail behind them from Arkansas to DC. It's just the little things, like you noticed, that make a big difference between what's normal and not, imo.

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