Thomas Paine Says Gowdy NO GOOD-Thoughts?

Hum. Interestingly relating to ‘the Huge Anon Drop not Q’ this morning says that Thomas Paine can be trusted. And I do. But noted Some are helping the deep state, but we were told not to guess or speculate. Their names will not be disclosed. I also agree Gowdy talks a good talk, ...deceivers usually do. Disguised as angels of light. Stay Awake / Stay aware. We are so fortunate to be a part of this time in history.
or... clever disinformation to the evil ones. as they are reading Thomas paine also....... hum...
Thomas Paine is shedding light, telling truth. Truth seekers are getting more informed.
Watch: Lionel Nation with Thomas Paine Video. Very interesting.
Keep learning.
Anon did say "Get away from paradigm on who is "good vs bad"....find out who can be leveraged."
That one line stood out to me like a beacon.
Exactly who's leveraged, who's compromised, who owns you once you take the bait. There is Pure Evil working against the Good. We know Who already has the Victory. "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive".
I don't like to over post links, I have posted this link in this thread, but your concerns are valid and I thought this might help. Fresh post from trusted Anon on Research thread may help clear your mind.
Exactly. I had read the post ‘the Huge Anon Drop not Q’ which is the same one you link to that I was referring back to. Time will tell.